Friday, February 3, 2017

"For Trips and Giggles" - Silas Scarborough

I don't know why this wasn't online previously but it is now.  I made the video in 2011 and I'm not even sure where I was at the time.  I noted it as Cincinnati but that's just a guess since I was all over the place in those years.

Note:  the drumming is much better than comes from using a slaved drum machine.

Silas on all instruments and video generated in whatever twisted ways I could devise but all within a homage to a red-headed woman and a cat.

- YouTube


Anonymous said...

Thank you! And that is one of the prettiest pics!! I always liked that one.

You have not featured much on the music videos lately, so that was a good surprise.

Unknown said...

Thanks back at you and it surprised me too since I remembered it when I saw it again but it's been spinning around on a disk doing nothing for years.

Music is all over the place with me and it gets another spin with this video because it reminded about setting up sampled drums when I don't use a looper since they let me add the cool fills and make it sound like drumming rather than a machine. That goes back to track recording which I mostly hate doing but it gets a much, much better product for studio quality. It's so not live, tho.

The music isn't ever dead but it gets less evident sometimes. I do need more focus on it since nothing but goodness comes from that.