Saturday, February 4, 2017

And That's When It All Changed

It all changes when I hear of the loss of a horse.

Cadillac Man and I were laughing about how people seem so determined to be deadly serious all the time but now it's warranted when it goes far past some idiotic meme on Twitter or Facebook, etc.

It makes me feel like I did something right when someone can call me with such a thing and there's more empath to the Rockhouse than may be apparent.  I know the horse is lying in the snow just now but she's calm and she's ready.  The vet brought blankets for her and she is as comfortable as it's possible to get her.

From the greatest love comes the most devastating pain and knowing the deal we make for that doesn't change a thing when it comes.

I don't want to get tragic but maybe I do have to let some of that go.

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