Sunday, January 1, 2017

I Thought There Would Be a Price to Pay for Dragon Riding

Playing a guitar is more physically-demanding than it may seem and there's a lot of work in that play.  The heavy work is in the upper arms and upper back plus the lower back from supporting the weight of the guitar.

I was feeling it all over last night and the construction area shoulder was heading into a world of pain.  From multiple crashes, I know hurts always light up more the next day so that didn't bode well for the morning.

But nothin' happened.  The upper arms feel kind of jazzed like they were diggin' it that they actually did anything.  Everything else settled back down so there's no invoice coming it seems.

Ed:  dragon riding is free then?

It does appear to be

Ed:  that means do it again

Indubitably, Watson

Here's some of the seasonal vibe from Maestro Michi Renoir who played this as an improv set only few days before Christmas.  (Soundcloud:  Live at Cat's MusikCircus, Christmas Songs and More)

If that sounds like he will play synth versions of Christmas favorites, lose that idea as Michi always does it his own way.  He showed complete respect for the season but he did it the way he likes and of course he does because er ist immer einzigartig (he is always unique).

It starts out a whole lot more sweetly than you may expect from a man who, among other things, has even played with a punk band despite his formal classical training.  He's the most like Ophir of anyone else I ever met even when I've never actually met him in the meat world because he's in Austria.

From the musical to the Who the Hell Cares dept, we have the complete clearing yesterday of all laundry except for what I was wearing.

Ed:  Yevette probably did that for you!

You aren't really grasping the Rockhouse concepts of socialism and feminism, are yewww (larfs).

Ed:  unless a bone is broken and sticking through the skin, you can wash laundry your own damn self?

That's the concept, alright

Usually people don't clean house until the Spring so the Rockhouse has jumped the gun by quite a bit but that added something to the New Year to go into it without any malarkey dragging it back.

Ed:  2016 wasn't bad at all!

Nah but it's the fashion to say everything is worse than it really is.  I would have preferred less dissecting of my corpus but even that wasn't such a problem, only the itching.

The Rockhouse won't pass any white glove test but it's streets ahead of where it was and I'm most pleased.  The final trick is to get a vac back here but bringing a vac around a bunch of cables isn't usually in anyone's best plan.  Even so, after that I'll be satisfied it's as clean as I can get it but right now isn't too bad.

Now for the Teasing Miss Yevette dept in the video department.  The batteries don't work for the bigshot camera and that sucks but the next after that is smaller and easier to use.  There's nothing to stop Miss Yevette from taking that camera and recording Conversations with the Cat.  Miss Yevette is camera shy but she doesn't have to appear in the video although the conversation would be kind of barren if she did not speak.

Removing the SD card from the camera is an easy thing after you know where it goes and, unlike the bigshot camera, it doesn't need a step to copy the video data to the card before you can remove it.  As soon as you turn off the camera, you can pull out the SD card to slide it into the iMac to pull the video into Final Cut to edit it.

Presto, you're an incipient George Lucas, all you need is light sabers.

Note:  the same process is repeated if you want to get clever with the video to add an audio track, composit multiple layers, etc.  All of that starts with the SD card.

Ed:  why not get a hand-held and do it all with integrated software / hardware?

A hand-held operates in gigabytes while the desktop computer operates in terabytes.  There's no comparison and, if you really want to get into the game, you need a ten-thousand dollar camera just for openers and then a ten-thousand dollar RAID for the storage.  Handhelds are fun for Instagram and, for many, that's all they need.  However, if you want to hang with George Lucas, you will need to be packing a big stack of dollars for the kit.

Ed:  so why tease Yevette with it?

Because she can make some killin' video for nothin' since she has the Rockhouse kit already and the first thing to discover is whether she even likes video editing.  Her 'puter is practically begging for it since it's packing 24 GB and that's even more than mine.  I got her set up right, man.  I'm tellin' you (larfs).

That really tickles me and if she gets it really pushed to what it can do then that would be outstanding.  Maybe you know the look when you show somebody something and that person turns around to look at you in amazement.  I didn't know it could DO that.  The look is a swell thing to see.

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