Saturday, March 5, 2016

Dancing with a Daffodil

As you get ill, people will peel off and disappear.  Those ones who peel don't matter as the ones who stay are precious.  That's yer true blue team.

Strength may be regrouping and it's a difficult thing as it evaporates with some sort of relationship to eating but it's a bitch to tell causes and effects.  The result is something that wrecks me for weeks but things seem to be on the slow ascendancy now.  This is the third or fourth time it has happened but without any strong idea what causes it.  Without an answer, the other choice is to roll with it until the next doctor appointment comes, I think in May.

If you could contact Congress and tell them to stop sandbagging VA, that would likely be extremely helpful.  Just a thought.

One sign of improvement is locating a green screen on eBay but finding an appropriate scaffold / support / truss is still not so productive.  Will need to verify but I believe the dimensions for that end of the room were 10' x 13' and I won't get an exact match but it's muslin and can be easily trimmed.

The questionable part is how to hang it without introducing wrinkles.  That sounds nitpickish but it's crucial to the efficacy of the chroma key masking (i.e. picking up the green part and throwing it out of the video).  Wrinkles will result in slight shadows, variations in chroma key and then a wider masking in Final Cut (i.e. more data loss, more fuzzy edges).


There is leftover hardware from the truss for the light rack and there might just be enough kit to hang the green screen.  That's heavyweight kit so it will be a bitch to screw with it but I will check it out in the open for size. If it works then the comes the mantra loved the most by all:  figure it out!  I won't have a final answer on that until Yevette awakens and checking will probably take daylight but the stuff is accessible without a nightmarish hassle to get it.  Definitely will happen.

I'm diggin' it.  There's nothing so good as a solution when it's free.  Yahoo!

When it comes to dancing with a daffodil, the Fairy Princess could do it.  Fairies can always do dances like that.

For you, she really is a Fairy Princess and you have heard of her floating around in a mangrove swamp in the Keys and doing one damn fine Katherine Hepburn imitation ... which is unusual for a fairy but still cool.  What six year old does this??  She's a fairy, man.  I'm tellin' you.

She will go to Washington soon so I wouldn't want to see her playing Clinton but she could be grand as Elizabeth Warren in front of the Lincoln Monument.  Even Jimmy Stewart would wake up to see that!

You won', tho.  We gots rules, see.  Absolute security on the kidstuffs, see.

Note:  do not even slightly read any resentment as I'm proud to maintain security and mother's security is more relaxed than mine but that's fine.  I ain't the mother (larfs).

For reasons you don't need to know, the specific purpose is to dazzle the Fairy Princess but not by piling her with affectations and trinkets but with experience.  Some grandparents just give the kids cakes and sweets but this is a whole different wizard story.  It's about waving a wand and going to Fantasia.  When she goes to see the wizard that spell really does work and maybe she will turn up in Puerto Rico this time.

Note:  I am not even slightly exaggerating.

Don't worry about spoiling the Fairy Princess as it's really clever the way it works.  Grandparents can be like that, you know.

Note:  I'm not the grandparent, I just watch.  It's one delicious privilege.

Through her, all of us see the future.  We have different political positions and we visualize effecting any vision of the future in different ways but the point of it is the same.  If it's not good for the Fairy Princess then it probably isn't good for anyone.  Given a not unrealistic life expectation of one hundred years, the Fairy Princess will still be dancing with daffodils in 2115 and maybe not even that much slower given the speed of medical advancement.

That's Heinlein, man.

Cadillac Man and I had a quite good talk last night and those will run for hours.  It's a good exchange because our views aren't just the same but we can compare without combat.

There's one theme which is still floating somewhat regarding the extent to which American history back to the beginning dictates actions now.  My position is it holds great influence and perspective so long as we know the history but Cadillac Man seems a bit more fatalistic and I don't mean to load the position too much but there is some fatalism, in my view, in the idea history directs what we do now.

Kannafoot has a somewhat similar view regarding war insofar as there were many wars in history so it's our nature to fight many wars.

These ideas smack strongly of a sense of predestination or preordination which I categorically reject. That goes back to theological philosophy if you like as that notion of predestination is a considerable influence within religion.  It's not my purpose to review that, only to note it exists.  There it lives as it will but I reject it from any secular application because, in my view, it defies any notion of real freedom to choose.  There will be a war anyway so, screw it, let's go.

Right now a US aircraft carrier battle group is sailing toward that dinky island in the South China Sea which is claimed by Japan but is occupied by China.  What other message does that send beyond, we're willing to waste that island and start a world war for Japan.  Dunno about you but I'm not willing to die for Japan and they sure as hell wouldn't die for me.

Earlier I was advised this was to protect allies, one of which is Vietnam and I only wondered ... do you read this as you write it.  The US ally in Vietnam?

It's another George Bush coalition and maybe they will get Tahiti this time.

Earlier I was thinking Obama needs to get cracking to start wars in Africa and South America so he gets the full score in disrupting life on every continent but American troops are already in Africa and I'm not entirely sure what role they are filling but it sure as hell isn't tea and cupcakes.


Anonymous said...

While the Fairy Princess has lots of stuff. It is amazing that what she cherishes most is time.
She has been introducrd to flower walks. And they have become very important to her. So April 15 is last freeze day and is the beginning of planting season. I can not wait to begin cruising the nurseries with her to begin the annual garden plantings. The Old Man used to make this a yearly event also

Unknown said...

Oh yes, the Spring ritual. I remember he and Anne would get loads of flats of annuals to bring back, dump in our laps, and you and I would plant them. So came the lifetime love of portulaca (larfs).

Unknown said...

Interesting on the last freeze night at Apr 15 as it was May 8 in Cincinnati and that date was carved into my brain!

Anonymous said...

So glad that that rack could work for you!

On the digestion stuff. Kefir may help--replaces that good bacteria--you may be missing that.

Just waiting for spring--may try the vertical gardening--the 2 liter pop bottles--check out YouTube. They can be stacked up along a fence and secured with those nylon ties used for electronics and such.

I remember the pictures of the twin fairies in the yard in Cincy!!

Love, ML

Cadillac Man said...

I remember lots and lots of roses. They made a beautiful backdrop for the chess matches.

Anonymous said...

I have the Ying/Yang sand garden that becomes covered in portulaca in the spring and summer
The Raven doesnt like that as he believes the sand should remain clear. That comes from his punishment of raking the sand to blow temper issues.
Met the Tennessee Butterfly lady she wrote a book on native buttteflies I thought I was doing well at about 40 species turns our there are 127 and she taught me how to tell when a butterfly is laying eggs and how to raise them indoors.
I now have a 12 plant list to add to my gardens this year

Anonymous said...

Nothing clears away strife more than gardens.

Unknown said...

Mystery Lady, yes, that's exactly the picture! I'm chagrined to say I don't know what became of it and the only hope is it ended up with Lotho and Mrs Lotho. For me it was straight out of a child's storybook and just dumb luck to get it.

Unknown said...

Lotho, that's an interesting variation on 'go pound sand' and I guess he remembers! (larfs) I like, tho. Highly elegant solution for the problem. That garden is the most 'live' I ever saw, what with all the butterflies and hummingbirds. I've never experienced one like that anywhere. And it gets even better so it must be such a delight.

A favorite saying has been that 'nothing gets a better perspective on life than sticking your hands in some mud' (larfs).

Unknown said...

Cadillac Man, those roses were another part in which Lotho and I were the gardeners. We had locked onto an Elektra rose (unclear for positive name of it) which was a hybrid tea rose with beautiful shape, almost neon colors, and an extraordinary scent.

Unfortunately, Japanese Beetles like to eat them and I hated those crawly bastards. I set out traps for them but finally decided they only attract more of them. If I saw one today, I would probably squash it for delayed revenge! (larfs)

Playing chess up the walk between the roses was all part of the other-worldly vibe to just about everything back then. That period is one really fond memory of the time and how Alex would come out every so often and review the boards to see if any game was worthy. It was such a great compliment if your game intrigued him. Even Mike respected him and that carried big weight!