Tuesday, February 9, 2016

The Elves of Cthulhu Do Steven Wright

This time it wasn't released but the Elves of Cthulhu last night made a recording which ran for a bit over thirty-five minutes and all of it was generally deadpan.

Note:  the content in the other Elves videos is true but the rage is more apparent than real.

There may be another of these and it's a novel exercise in narcissism, existentialism, and the darkness where you put the things which scare you.  This one is actually much darker than the others which have an anarchic darkness but this is more the psychic variety, the stuff which scares you the most and it's because you hid it there because you don't want to see it anymore.

The general point of these is it makes no difference whether I spend ten minutes to make a video or ten months as with "The End of the World in Fort Worth."  It's just more flotsam on an Internet in which information has become nothing more than data version of the artificial island of floating plastic in the Pacific.  In combination it might mean something but there it's just junk.

Some study the metadata to learn information about the data ... but they only make more data and keep it in the same place thus making the island bigger ... but it still won't grow trees.

There are waves of Jimmy Carter blowing through here and the feeling is giving away music doesn't mean anything when no-one particularly wants it and, on the Internet, no-one is looking for more than amusement anyway.

(Ed:  there's got to be something better than this?)

Yep.  You know how it goes or you wouldn't be here in the first place.

One line of thinking is get some books and then I will need the Internet as much as it needs me.  Books will deliver much better what I want and I crave them.  For much of my life there has been inspiration from a single line from Benjamin Disraeli:  when I feel like reading a book, I write one.

I've written a tremendous number of them and I would like to actually read some because it's been a long time and I miss that a great deal.  The strangest irony of the Internet is there's so much to read ... but there's still really nothing much worth reading.  More and more the Internet becomes a simple thing:  if it ain't payin', I ain't stayin'.

The video may happen tonight as the raging Elves get tiresome quickly but this deadpan approach may be novel.  There will be various reasons for existential review later tonight anyway.  Possible coolness in it so we shall see.

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