Monday, February 22, 2016

Happy Almost Birthday to the Queen Bee

So, you think they get close in NASCAR, do you?  Let's see you get a pencil in-between these two.  If you look at her right foot, you will see it's all the way into it and check out the determination.  If you try to get inside her kart's line on a corner, you will definitely get a battle.

They're likely doing somewhere between sixty and ninety mph but there was no way to know because they did not have speedometers.

Queen Bee does not race anymore but I am sure she has not forgotten although it would likely surprise many of her friends who see her in a highly different style of life.

Cadging a ride in a kart tomorrow isn't likely but anything can happen.  Happy birthday!


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Queen Bee

Unknown said...

Sorry - hope I wasn't too tardy with this