Sunday, February 14, 2016

The Ongoing Nimiety of Numb

There is numbness coming frequently and it's lasting for longer periods.  The smallest fingers on my right hand have been difficult to control all morning.

(insert litany for how long it takes to get an appointment at Veterans Administration)

Shot by Hexx yesterday and thank you.  The ability to play comes and goes.  It's a cool stage with all that green and I'm not sure who owns that face but I'm going with Cthulhu because we have such a good time lately.

I will try with recording the Elves of Cthulhu on video as typing just flat out sucks.  But, look at the bright side ... one day only Siri will answer everyone's questions and no-one will have to type anymore.

(Ed:  but you can only ask single-syllable words)

For the modern GOP, that's an advanced degree program.  There are smart conservatives even now but usually they're Jesuits and you sure as hell won't see them in a political contest.

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