Sunday, February 7, 2016

Selling Out Feminism One Cupcake at a Time - Gloria Steinem Edition

We have deeply respected Gloria Steinem for many years and she earned that respect through forthright commitment to feminism and well-reasoned statements about it.  We don't mean to set her up to slash her and it's not necessary because she did it to herself.  She's an exceptionally bright woman but her comments about Sanders didn't make much sense:  Gloria Steinem On Millennial Women For Sanders: That’s Where The Boys Are.

There's not much to say about it since she hasn't given us more than a semi-lucid ramble.  The boys?  Who the fuck are the boys?  Are these immature humans who do not think very much.  I'm fairly good with insults but I don't think I can manage that level of insult density in a statement which simply and I do mean simply insults everyone.

We have a runner-up in this edition from Madeline Albright who said, Albright: 'special place in hell' for women who don't support Clinton.

Tell you what, darlin', there's a special place in jail for people who support criminals.  We'll keep a light on for you.

And what's this about 'a special place in Hell' as we have seen New Jersey and everywhere in it looked about the same.

I'll thank you not to speak for my feminism since my standards are much higher.  It's been pleasing to see Millennials do not much accept blind feminism and are examining the material for themselves.  They see Hillary Clinton taking scads of money from Goldman Sachs and then they see highly-regarded women speaking favorably for her.  We don't know what that did for Clinton but we suspect not very much whereas they did tremendous damage to their own credibility.

The honesty of Bernie Sanders is unimpeachable and many have tried.  Conversely, Hillary Clinton wouldn't know honesty if it bit her copious backside.  The campaign has nothing to do with boobs and is strictly about bullshit and the Clintons are carrying a truckload of it.

When feminism comes to this election, Elizabeth Warren will bring it and we can't wait to see it happen because we are so damn sick of Hillary Clinton for posing things she doesn't believe unless she gets money for it and she is paid more than many of us will ever see and without delivering one damn thing of any significance.  She delivered many military aircraft to multiple countries in the Middle East, however.

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