Sunday, October 11, 2015

Sanders Will Own the Debate

CNN has been presenting their debate as if some sideshow and they have even arranged for Sheryl Crow to sing.  I'm sure that's flattering to her but what that has to do with a debate remains to be seen ... or heard, I suppose.

This looks much like Sanders' game to lose as Clinton is already in a quagmire from Benghazi, special privileges for email, but, worst of all, the flipflop on the Trans-Pacific Partnership.  That one buries her as it reveals in acute detail her willingness to make unfair deals and to sell that to the highest bidder.  She announced her support many times for the Trans-Pacific Partnership but now does not want it.  Well ... what does she say after she's elected and gets a better offer.

The biggest interest in Sanders is where will he get the money for his programs.  Listen to him and find out.  One thing I'm sure is he won't bullshit you and you will know it.  (CNN:  Bernie Sanders: Raise taxes to fund pricey proposals)

If Clinton starts spouting her usual poll-driven crap, she will be slaughtered.  I don't know if they have the also-rans in the mix such as O'Malley, etc.  They haven't added anything useful and Biden would only come off as a sucker punch if he announces anything now.

Yep, that's how I think it goes.  Clinton goes the distance but Sanders scores a TKO (Technical Knock-Out).

Prior to TPP, Clinton's shallow positions on things had already kicked her for me but the change on TPP shows no spine whatsoever.  She's finished.

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