Friday, October 2, 2015

Escitalopram, Hydroxyzine and the Glowing Future

Escitilopram and Hydroxyzine are anti-anxiety medications which were prescribed earlier today by a trusted medical source (i.e. Miss Maggie).

Note 1:  Miss Maggie seems the best name as Kersa is cool but sounds harsh and Maggie sounds too familiar.

Note 2:  it would not surprise me if everyone who goes out to the Fort Worth VA clinic knows Miss Maggie or knows of her.  She has earned quite a reputation and deservedly.

There is some benefit from them as there has been immense pressure in my head and that's a bit of a concern in a family with a marked vulnerability to stroke.  That pressure was there at the clinic but the blood pressure turned out to be 133/83 which is marginally adequate but does not manage to the target systolic of 120 or less for prevention of heart attack / myocardial infarct.

Note:  the systolic reading (i.e. upper measure) has direct bearing on vulnerability to heart attack and the lower reading (i.e. diastolic measure) bears directly on vulnerability to stroke.

(Ed:  so what?)

The above is the standard clinical pap but the bigger interest is what side effects come and the biggest one is somnolence.  Reefer is one of the few psychotropic drugs I trust and it's because all the effects are known and none of them are harmful beyond the basic of inhaling hot smoke into your lungs.  Any type of soporific drug (i.e. one which creates somnolence) is inevitably destructive because you will do less than you otherwise would because you're either in a zombie state or asleep.

The best balance is yet to be discovered as it's only been eight or twelve hours and I already don't like this stuff.  I don't do well as a zombie.

(Ed:  what do you mean you're not a zombie?  You're stoned most of the time)

Stoned is not zombie and it's not about sleep.  Ganja imparts a keen awareness whereas any kind of soporific takes that away.

Review of that which has been written since returning from the clinic reveals one salient point:  it ain't fookin' funny.  There's a bit of teehee stuff but no thigh-slapping funny stuff.  Mostly it looks like LOL material but maybe I'm too harsh.

(Ed:  what is LOL?)

Something people say on Facebook when something isn't funny but you have to respond in some way and you don't want to analyze the stupidity of whatever was said.  For best effect, use it on every line and laugh at your own material:

I went down to the market today - lol
I got a fish - lol
Or the fish got me.  I don't remember. - lol

(Ed:  I see.  Um, LOL)

See, that's what I'm tellin' you, matey.

We need comedy and instead we get namby pamby late-night talk show comedy (i.e. not funny).

More to be discovered.  Miss Maggie said stop at any time if any problems and I will.  That's not a statement of anxiety but rather, well, they works or they don't.  Too much sleepy is definitely in the category of they don't.  We shall see.


Anonymous said...

Another entire genre of parma that should be outlawed.
Never met anyone that this class of pharma actually helped

Unknown said...

Thank you as this is a bad news situation ... panic, fear, mania. It's going over the side for sure. I can't quite tell if I'm thinking straight and that can't happen.