Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Chinchillas Are Out ... Chickens Are In

The chinchillas did not turn out to be such a good idea.  They do make gorgeously soft coats but you know how they turn them into coats and what kind of horror bitch would do that to these animals.  We thought we could do it here at the Rockhouse ... but look at those chinchilla eyes.  Tell me you would.

That's not a picture of one of the chinchillas here and you can tell that by the cage.  The chinchillas here escaped a long time ago and they took over the second floor of the house.  Now there are hundreds of them, maybe more.  They sneak down at night to eat the cat food and I can't stop feeding the cats.

(Ed:  why don't the cats catch the chinchillas?)

Stupid cats think they live here so they don't mess with them and they only get annoyed when the chinchillas finish off the cat food.

But that's not the biggest problem.

There was twenty dollars left and this guy said he has a couple of chickens.  I was kind of buzzed so I told him, sure, I'll take those chickens as then we can have some eggs.

Then he gives me these for my twenty dollars.

So I sez, I've seen chickens and those ain't no fookin' chickens.

He sez, sure, they are.  Listen to them.

I sez, they don't sound like no chickens I ever heard.

He sez, of course not.  They're Chinese.

I sez, you're telling me these are Chinese Chickens?

He sez, yep, that I am.

I sez, they look like Japanese Fukashima Chickens to me

He sez, all of those are in 60's Japanese monster movies now.  These are the real thing.  Chinese Chickens.  From China.

I sez, how do you tell the hens from the roosters?

He sez, you don't.  They do.

Then he sez, good luck with yer chickens.  Have a nice day.

That was six months ago.

Now the backyard is full of all these fookin' chickens and what do we do with them.  They lay lots of eggs ... but that does us no good.

(Ed:  why not?)

The chinchillas eat them.

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