Friday, September 11, 2015

The Green Party Succeeds in Crying Itself a River

Claimed earlier today by officials in the Green Party, the authorities at Guinness have now verified the Green Party did, in fact, cry itself a river today, almost every drop of which came from all the whining on Facebook about how it's just not fair.  Nothing is fair.  Nothing ever was.

While the Green Party's aims are laudable, they haven't quite grasped the requirement for organizational abilities beyond those needed to set up lemonade stands for kids.

Earlier today, Alphonse approached me and said, "You're undermining the party.  Fuck off."

My reply was, "Don't look now, sugar bear, but you're undermining the party yourself with all this online pissing and moaning.  Now that you've cried yourself a river, consider drowning yourself in it."

Alphonse, determined to show me the True Way to Jesus and Greenness, exclaimed, "With people like you around, the Green Party has no chance."

So again I replied, "Tell you what, Albert ... Edelweiss ... Asshat, whatever the fuck your name was, the reason the Green Party has no chance is you can't even organize a dog fight, see."

There was nothing else to say.  He started crying.

Note:  Alphonse is not real ... but, then, neither are you ... neither am I.  It's just a machine making up all this stuff.

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