Friday, September 11, 2015

On Some Things Left and Right Can Agree

There are many things about cops on which the sides do not agree but, with real Republicans, there is agreement that cops have no right to get in your face unless you have done something which warrants it.

Cop asks, "Where are you going tonight?"

You answer, "What the fuck business is it of yours.  You aren't coming."

The above is legal, justified, and is absolutely your right.

Cop asks, "I'm trying to determine if a crime is being committed."

You answer, "If you don't know a crime has been committed or have reason to suspect it then you're just wasting my fucking time, aren't you."

Cop asks, "May I see your ID?"

You ask, "You may not as you have no reason to ask for it."

Any of the above answers is within your rights and all need to be defended but they can easily get you killed.  One unarmed kid said to a cop, "Are you going to shoot me?"

The cop did shoot him.  The kid is dead.   (7News Denver: 'Are you going to shoot me?' man asks before being shot by police officer in suburban San Antonio)

The problem is fundamentally poor cop training and they often do not know what they are doing is wrong.  They have been trained to believe this type of invasive aggression is appropriate police work.  It's not even useful police work when they hassle so many people without reason.  You can hear in various videos that the individual they're trying to hassle knows the law and police procedure better than the cops.  That further emphasizes that cops are trained, albeit poorly, but they are not often possessed of much education.  That combination makes them extremely dangerous ... as we've seen way, way too many times.

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