Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Guns Are Great Equalizers ... Except They Don't - How to Fix That

The say guns, most particularly the Colt .45 models, are the Great Equalizers but the trouble is they haven't equalized anything.  The people who have guns live as terrorist kings and the others hide inside their houses.  Even though the gunners have taken over the country, they still screech relentlessly about the supremacy of white people and the manifest destiny of Caucasians.

Femmes feel militant when they get screechy but this gets no respect.  Guns get respect.  The Equal Rights Amendment is one thing, the Equal Rights Amendment borne by militant femmes with guns is a whole different thing.

The process of equalization is a simple one because it will not waste any time with the not-men on Capitol Hill.  This time the femmes will do it themselves with simple survey stations scattered around the country.

They will interview people individually at the mandatory survey stations and they will ask one simple question:  do you believe without reservation in the equality and rights of all human beings without regard to any other consideration whatsoever?

For every YES answer, the subject is wished a good day and a pleasant life.  For all others, shoot them and kick the carcass into the river.

The equalization of America will be complete in days.  In fact, the Colt .45 really IS the Great Equalizer.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Isnt that question a catch 22
unless the person asking doesnt believe the answer is yrs and then they could shoot anyone answering no