Sunday, October 8, 2017

Another Tax Giveaway | Larry Cohen, Our Revolution

Our Revolution


The GOP is at it again. We’ve always known they will stop at nothing to repeal the Affordable Care Act. Now they are trying to destroy Medicaid and Medicare by giving huge tax breaks to corporations and the very wealthy.

Instead of protecting access to health care for our nation's most vulnerable citizens, Republicans are proposing that corporate tax rates are cut from 35 to 20 percent while slashing services to seniors and the poor. If that wasn’t bad enough, this plan could also raise taxes on working and middle-class families. That’s right, we could be paying more in taxes and cutting health care for people who cannot afford it.

For forty years, Congress has cut taxes for corporations while income inequality grew and millions of people were slowly cut off from basic health care, education, or nutrition. While they actively sabotaged vital public services in back rooms and took money from corporate lobbyists, GOP leaders told the public that the programs were failing and we had no choice but to privatize them.

Together, we can stand up to corporate greed and a health care system that puts profits over people. We can’t do this without you.

In solidarity,

Larry Cohen
Board Chair
Our Revolution

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