Monday, October 9, 2017

Confederacy: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

The topic of the Confederacy seems like it's been so thoroughly stomped into the ground there's no reason to say anything more about it ... but then John Oliver takes the matter and does his own job on it.  You may not think it's possible to make any part of this funny but Oliver is the man for it.  There's no way to make material like this thigh-slapper funny like a date at your local comedy club but he does a surprising job of it.

The bit with Anderson Cooper was a huge surprise and incredibly tender.  The show could even be worth it for that bit alone in which a white man discovers his unknown Southern roots and they're not too good.  The sweetness of it was radiant in seeing what people can be.

As always, he kills with the finale.  You won't believe.  If you absolutely must know, skip to the last two minutes although it would be a shame to miss the show which is remarkably good.

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