Friday, October 13, 2017

When Colbert and Stewart Double-Team to Flog Trump, It Still Fails

Donald Trump did his best impression of a populist Democrat president over the weekend. He suggested that the late night comedy lineup should embrace the so-called Equal Time Rule, the now defunct Section 315 of the Communications Act of 1934 requiring equal airing of opposite views. And on the "Late Show," Stephen Colbert took up the challenge with the help of former "Daily Show" funnyman Jon Stewart.

Washington Examiner:  Stephen Colbert and Jon Stewart typecast themselves when they tried (and failed) to burn Trump

Unknown what populist Democrats have ever promoted an idea of equal time in political comedy but we'll give them their point since our interest is in their endless bashing of Trump and WE's observation is correct that it failed.  Colbert has been throwing cock holsters and any other puerile absurdity which occurred to him and he apparently thought that would elevate the team rather than making him look like a fuckin' idiot.

First Colbert did the set up slamming the president for asking for equal time. He mocked Rex Tillerson for accidentally revealing Trump's secret service codename when he called him a "fucking moron." And the comic suggested that after Republicans gut healthcare, the orange face of the chief executive was "the only contraceptive women will have left."

Then Stewart offered the counterweight … At least Trump isn't a cannibal, he said. Given a choice between having lava poured on his genitals or a Trump presidency, he'd choose the latter. And despite Trump's repeal of the contraception mandate, he's still not as bad as serial sexual abuser Harvey Weinstein.

- WE

You won't hear this often from the Rockhouse regarding a Kill the Liberals rag but WE has it right.  The material isn't clever; it's not even funny.  Likening Trump to Weinstein is ludicrous since there's a fair case Trump's execution of Planned Parenthood is more abusive to women than anything Weinstein could do in a hundred lifetimes.

The flaw to the thinking or what seems to be their thinking is they can cause some kind of change through this type of set.  For something like that to have any chance to achieving anything, it has to be funny for the draw and they're not.  The second is it must offer an attractive alternative but they just flip right over to Hillary Clinton and we gain nothing more than an alternative form of crookedness.

Those late night legends weren't bipartisan so much as they were more or less willingly blind to politics. Sure they'd take pot shots at presidents but they never let that become their entire show. Before the internet, it was Letterman who pioneered stupid pet tricks, who made the first top 10 lists, and who wore a suit with 3,400 Alka-Seltzer tablets, strapped on scuba gear, and dove into a 1,000-gallon tank of water.

Letterman was funny because Letterman was original and Letterman knew that late at night his audience didn't want a lecture. They wanted a laugh. Can't Colbert and company give us one today?

- WE

The Rockhouse would get off if they were throwing big, gooey pies into the faces of old crank bureaucrats like Pelosi, Schumer, and Feinstein since few are more deserving of it yet they aren't typically isolated.  Some want the impression all Democrats are like them but it's not bloody true and many of you know it already.

As Progressives we observe this schtick from those who profess to be Progressive but do not show any particular support for Progressive things.  Perhaps all the bashing is to get Trump impeached, magically turn him into a Progressive, or some other fanciful thing but the Rockhouse lost interest in that futile campaign some while ago.

Zen Yogi:  it wasn't futile for them in all the money they made

Right you are, Yogi.

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