Saturday, October 14, 2017 Comes Extremely Weird but Quite Possibly illuminating as Well

If you want to check their DNA analysis take eighty dollars and go to this site,  I've never heard any particular complaints about their results and presumably that means they do a competent job of it.

It's been common to see an image such as this one as the result from and of course with a smiling face since it comes from their splash page.  We have also seen elsewhere examples of white racists who discovered they have black ancestry.  That gives some light comedy and maybe a perspective on how many generations the search goes.

The interest in genealogy varies with my sibs.  For some there has been tremendous interest in contacting all family members anywhere but that's largely a lateral search since a genealogical search peters out after about three generations with only smatterings from times before that.

My interest has been light and limited and I've regarded the family as Scots going back for, oh, a thousand years or so since we emigrated to Scotland from France where we were called de Friselle (or something similar).

However, the de Friselle family probably didn't emigrate all at once ... or maybe they did due to some imperative which made it prudent to get the hell out of France.  Maybe there was an interim time during which all manner of things took place.  I have thought the Clan was as white as a Channeled Duck Clam but the contribution of different races / genomes may not be as clear as they seem.

Note: formally-recognized type of clam shell.

Zen Yogi:  is the purpose to find contributions from black genomes?

No, mate, the interest is in finding contributions from any genome, just as with the young lady in the picture.

Zen Yogi:  maybe one of your sibs already did it?

That's my curiosity, Yogi.  The results from that would be the same for any of us so that could be most interesting.  I might have the eighty bucks but I'm not willing to spend for this even it could be kind of cool.  There's a touch of self-absorption to it and that's not such a great groove.

Maybe I shall ask about that the next time I hit Facebook but it's been some time since the last.  We shall see.

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