Monday, February 6, 2017

Wiping Out the EPA and the Trump Agenda of Nihilism

There is no EPA in Mexico and the result is Mexico City is one of the most polluted cities on the planet.  Making America like that again is Donald Trump's ambition and the fulfillment of the Republican Dream since any action by the Federal government needs to be eliminated and destroyed in favor of the more responsible governance at the state level.

Ed:  the state level governments are how things got so filthy in America in the first place!

Don't bother their principles with facts; they hate that.

Yevette was asking who is behind this and what environmental resource will they use instead but there isn't anyone behind it other than Goldman Sachs and the Republicans have nothing to replace EPA.  They have fought every possible change to improve air quality, etc and this goes all the way back to their screams about catalytic converters.  You would think there's no denying the improvement in air quality over American cities as a result of such changes but Republicans can do it since facts don't matter, only money.  As we have just painfully endured, facts don't mean anything to neoliberals either.

In another example for which facts don't matter is the continuation of Obama's provocation and aggression toward Russia and the Rockhouse contention of an encirclement is not an exaggeration since Estonia is directly on Russia's border.  America has just significantly increased the NATO military presence there.  (RT:  US tanks, infantry fighting vehicles arrive in Estonia amid NATO buildup on Russian borders)

The Rockhouse has been protesting that escalation and the consequent upset to the balance of power for quite some time but typically what I hear is America isn't like that.  In fact, America is exactly like that and much of this is based on the vile transmogrification of what happened in Ukraine where people in eastern Ukraine are being slaughtered by the Fascist Ukrainian state and yet America blames that on Russians who are nowhere to be seen.

Hungary knows what it's like when Russia rolls tanks and the situation in Ukraine has been nothing like that; it's just one more CIA-sponsored shitstorm.

Trump's overt racism instantly metastasized to every amateurish political dilettante on the planet since Nigel Farage, Geert Wilders, Marine Le Pen, and others have been singing the praises of race-baiting to thunderous applause ever since.  It's a demonic racist choir and America is the director.

MLK weeps.

There may be worse influences on the world than America but diseases borne by mosquitoes are among the few which can match the destructiveness.  The irony is America went so far to combat the Fascism coming out of the Third Reich ... only to start bringing its own version not even twenty years  later with the advent of the CIA.

Where the situation moves from evil to satanic is when neoliberals absolve themselves of any responsibility for what happened and Hillary Clinton, in yet another act of supreme narcissism, is preparing to come out again with a book which blames her humiliation on everything except the natives of the Cannibal Isles.

Trump is easily predictable since he's obvious, greedy, and mean; there's no deviation from that in anything he does.  However, the obvious danger isn't always the worst one and, in America, it's frequently not the worst one.  Trump isn't the reason America probably can't be saved but the Clintons and Obama are square in the center of it.

When the CIA turned the neoliberals into willing co-conspirators, that effectively ended the two-party system and meant the CIA would have a free hand in destroying any left-leaning governments in the world just as they have been trying since the organization was first created in the Fifties.

Until Presidents are something more than servants for the CIA, there's little chance America will rise to the greatness it hopes since the CIA measures greatness in terms of control rather than accomplishment.

Even a dime store Woolworth's script writer could prepare the speech for Clinton and, as we saw, that's exactly who did write them during her campaign.  She will be coming out, surrounded by adoring feminists angels, to say all of this could have been prevented with a vote for her.

You know it's not true but you also know neoliberals are just as convinced of themselves as fundamentalist Republicans and it was stunning to watch when they were denying Obama's subservience to the CIA even while he was doing it.

Ed:  he bought them with Obamacare!

More accurately, he sold them out with it but he was so slick in how he spun it.  Clinton tried to spin it as well but, as with everything else, she didn't have the skills.

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