Wednesday, June 15, 2016

The Definitive List of Things Which Killed the Internet

Top of the list for Internet Killers has been (drum roll)

This one was a fail because I thought I saved it as a draft and it surprised me when I realized I had released it.  Sorry as that was a mistake since these were intended as starting points.

Auto-play videos 

One of the most annoying aspects of visiting a Web page is when you see a video you didn't want; it blows your speaker volume to ten so your sleep friend is awakened, your relationship is destroyed, and you end up sleeping on the gutter.  All because CNN wanted to try to hustle this IBM WATSON which is yet more software crap, this one tries to be cool by pretending to talk to Bob Dylan.  We don't get what's cool about that but, wtf, it's IBM and looking for coolness from them is an odd exercise.

Megyn Kelly

Pretentious nitwittery has gone to Blondie Nirvana and Megyn Kelly is leading the way.  Sometimes she writes something on Twitter but we don't know what she writes and we don't care.  Ted Nugent likes to watch her when he's naked and cleaning his guns.  We don't know if she liked it when he said it but she did not complain.

The problem with those two can only be solved with fire.


This one is just a gimme since it's so obvious in what Facebook did toward cloistering the clods to control their sources and easily monitor the cloddishness.  Facebook lets them huddle easily in frightened little groups whereas previously they might have acted a little bit human to talk with others and (gasp) actually see them.


This is the software which established second-rate as acceptable in America.   Go ahead and be a slacker because Windows probably won't work anyway.

Windows has been so unreliable it's a laughingstock and is hacked effortlessly even after all these years.  Microsoft has been even less innovative than Apple in recent years so the long-term prospect for both of them doesn't look all that good but Mac OS was at least more than a sandbox for hackers.


In certain endeavours, they can be killed by their own success but music over the last twenty years on the Internet has been killed by its own failure ... millions upon millions of times.  The Internet is full to the gills with indie music no-one will ever hear.  There's a good chance the really excellent bands are hurt because it's impossible to find them amid the overwhelming onslaught of musical mediocrity.

Local bands knew it was important to put leaflets on telephone polls in the neighborhood prior to a gig because then maybe more locals will show.  Now the same indies do it on the Internet with the apparent thinking maybe someone will come from New York to discover them in Wichita.

Yah, and maybe Tinkerbell will stop by to teach me how to fly.

Alex Jones

The world already had enough lunatics and it wasn't necessary to make them famous.

Greedy Hatred

Bugger you, Jack, I've got mine.  The mantra of the new age which the Internet exemplifies down to the last nybble.

Special Interests

No-one cares about special interests anymore because there are far too many to even comprehend much less support in any appreciable way.  Someone probably has a cause to save penguins from second-hand smoke ... but we don't care.

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