Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Tyler Sash, NFL Player Killed by Prescription Narcotics

Tyler Sash had a brief career in the NFL with the New York Giants where he showed talent as a rookie and even played the Super Bowl with the Giants.  (CNN:  Tyler Sash's Autopsy Reveals Cause of Death to Be Accidental Mixed Drug Toxicity)

The cause of death was ruled to be an overdose from hydrocodone and methadone, both of which are used clinically for pain relief and both are wildly abused.  Hydrocodone is some variation of a codeine-based drug such as Vicodin on up.  Methadone is used for pain relief but also as an aid for heroin addicts in recovery.  Whether Sash had any history of heroin is unknown and it wasn't mentioned in the article.

From here at the Rockhouse, we see a victim because people are not well-advised on the dangers and addictiveness of these drugs.  Vicodin seems benign but it isn't and it can easily become addicting.  Moreover, it's not only a risk but a widespread reality as Vicodin abuse is everywhere in the country.

For true chemical gateways to heroin, it becomes increasingly apparent the way from prescription pain pills onward to increasing abuse of narcotics is not only possible but in many cases it's almost inevitable.

Yah, these scribes have been one bummer after the other and it's regrettable but this death toll from these drugs is really pissin' me off.  The reckless irresponsibility of those who set it in motion is not accountable and the result is another deader with Tyler Sash.

My own experience with heroin was brief and awful.  It does not give authority to speak about the drug except regarding the awareness of its power.  No-one is stronger than that.

There's been some social responsibility in consideration of whether reefer has any valid part of a pathway to heroin.  I'm quite sure it is not ... because ... people don't use these drugs for the same reasons.  Every kid knows heroin will put you into a whole new world of hurt and no-one uses it without that knowledge.  What they don't know is how addiction will sneak up on them and I don't know either but I do know you damn sure better not find out.

(Ed:  why did you do it?)

I'm old and didn't give a shit.

(Ed:  well, that's deep, isn't it)

If you want a horror, look at someone who is young and doesn't give a shit.  Now there's a tragedy waiting to happen.

These kids don't know and they're being fed drug dogma ... along with prescription medication.  How in hell is any kid to think straight through that.  There's no possible way.

Kids deserve facts and not the latest gee whiz scare tactic.  You can't educate kids with fear because all of them think they're immortal.


Anonymous said...

These kids know what they are doing. Just dont care. Most are young and have already given up the dream. They are looking to fill time in a life they feel is useless.
I ran that course. Gave up by 15 and never realized any of my dreams But no worries I finally decided to change. But lost 15 years to it. Not like these kids because after awhile it changes the brain chemistry to such a degree they dont believe they can stop. They get used to dope sick. Almost wear it as a badge of honor.
I spend a lot if time trying to change some of them but it is futile until they believe but most cant.

Unknown said...

Same thing happens with alcohol. After they have been drunks for a while, they stay in the paranoid / narcissistic thinking everything is about the drunk even when they're sober.

Drunks make tragedies for themselves but the kid is a tragedy waiting to happen in living with no hope. That there are so many is such a wild disturbance in the Force with all those souls dying at once. Thousands die, albeit slowly, right now from it and you know it's no exaggeration.

Seems to me there's not enough unbiased, no bullshit help out there. If anyone's giving something, it's usually to get something so who is a kid to trust. Preacher wants his soul, gay guy wants his ass, everybody wants something. Big Brothers made a good try at doing better but that sort of thing is hella expensive to run.

Anonymous said...

Not really just ask Wesley Snipes or Denzel Washington
It is more about trustng them They are so full of scams that the helpers run out of gas before they win.
Less than 10% ever make it back

Unknown said...

Unknown if Big Brothers worked well or not with them and I can't tell from your reference.

You know well there are people doing good things just because it's the right thing to do but there are many things making it more difficult than it needs to be. Hey, kid, sell some of this from me and you can be making $1000 a week, tax-free. There's no way to fight that so something has to be better. Seems to me there's a lot of wild-runnin' kids playing Lord of the Flies out there and it's not through any real fault of their own, they don't see any workable substitute, I suppose.

Anonymous said...

It is thier fault. They are the ones who do it

Unknown said...

I'm not willing to be so B&W about it because there's a million stories in the Naked City and none of them play just the same.

I'm not absolving anyone of accountability but there are many times in life when good people can end up in bad situations. That's not a back-handed absolution of me as it's not my purpose to dodge my own mistakes. Nevertheless, you know as well as I that hardly any of the people who end up in jail are really that bad or necessarily had to be that bad.