Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Large-Scale Media Pandering to Hillary Clinton Super PAC Dollars

There hasn't been a poll anyone has seen yet in which Hillary Clinton came even close to winning the debate last night and there are multiple online now.  Conversely, most and maybe all of the mainstream news services announced her as a winner when there's no possible way that could be true.

Poison for Democrats Which Clinton Supports

Patriot Act - cornerstone of the illegal invasions of privacy over the last fifteen years.  It was not mentioned but the Patriot Act means also support for the NDAA and that is anathema to real Democrats as well.  Both of them are legislative poison but Clinton rolled over on her back for them.

Lack of fundamental action plan for dealing with big banks.  Glass-Steagal, murdered by Bill Clinton during his administration, is what permitted too big to fail, bank trading in securities, and a host of abominations which collapsed in 2008.  Bush exacerbated the problem greatly with his tax cuts for the rich but Clinton lit the fuse when he deregulated the big banks.

Clinton's lassisitude for big bank regulation and financial regulation in general is additional poison to Democrats as those sources have been some of the biggest financial problems in the world.

Clinton is a Washington deep-insider - her denial last night was utter rubbish.  Of course I'll be a minority, I'm a woman.  Yah, great sound bite woman but tell me what that does it have to do with being entrenched in Washington ever since the early 90's.  She lies through her fookin' teeth.

There were multiple logical flaws to Clinton's position and it's been noticeable in mainstream coverage how they have glossed past them to write stories which were not at all related to what I saw and I watched every minute of it (almost).  I have my own lassisitude and that's for incompetent or stooge journalist who write whatever they're paid to write.

Sanders isn't like that.  He won't take a donation larger than $30 from anyone whereas Clinton is rolling in the millions and millions of dollars because Super PACs have no limitations on contributions.  She can't realistically play a Democrat because she hasn't been one for years.

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