Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Sanders to Win ... But ... What's the Spread

Clinton is nailed by the TransPacific Partnership flip-flop, among others.  The question is how much Sanders is willing to waste on shredding her versus stating his case for things Clinton won't do or has previously been too mealy-mouthed to say.

Clinton has support but that doesn't mean her positions are sound.  Somewhere out there is someone who even thinks Bobby Jindal is credible.

Likely Sanders is too wise to let himself get sucked into nitpicking Clinton's errors in Democratic Party policy.  Clinton will have no game if Sanders pushes it out to his proposals because Clinton doesn't have any particularly interesting proposals.

If he stays on high ground like that then we figure he has her by at least fourteen points.

(Ed:  two touchdowns?)

The first should be relatively easy for him in his proposals for the economy are forthright and clear.  Clinton can play Dancing with the Stars on that but it won't cover the absence of material.  Sanders is no socialist but rather he is stating the actual platform of the Democratic Party.  Clinton doesn't even know what it is.

He can take his pick of another as she has waffled and been vague about almost everything.

From here at the Rockhouse, we see her as doomed and not by Sanders but rather by her own wayward thinking.

The GOP has disintegrated altogether as they've got almost nothing working just now.  There's an excellent article in The Nation about how the disintegration started with Nixon and his courting of Southern Democrats.  (The Nation:  Why Today’s GOP Crackup Is the Final Unraveling of Nixon’s ‘Southern Strategy’)

The link to The Nation is for deep-diving if you like but the result of it is obvious with the ridiculous crew of Republican candidates and the chaos in Congress from the battle between the Tea Party and traditional Republicans.

Every day, the Republican candidates come up with something yet more ludicrous with Ben Carson and Mike Huckabee vying with each other to show the greatest cultural insensitivity ... but the others are not far behind.

No point in flogging it as there's nothing new.  That whole crew is in a failure flat spin.  What they need is a rumble.  That could be cool to watch ... a huge congressional rumble with hair-pulling and fingernails allowed.

For once, CNN is on it as the Sanders / Clinton debate is really the only political game in town.

Abby Martin will do an analysis with the board below on The Empire Files.

That will be at 11:00 pm Eastern / 10:00 pm Texas.

Note:  there was some confusion about the start time and The Real Network said they ask people to arrive as close to 8:00 pm as possible.  The debate will follow from 9:00-11:00 pm and Debate the Debate will immediately follow it.

Join us for this special edition of teleSUR's program, the Empire Files with Abby Martin. We'll screen the first Democratic Party Debate live at 9 PM EST. Immediately afterward, Abby will mediate a panel of guests including:

Bhaskar Sunkara (founding editor of Jacobin Magazine)

Jared Ball (professor of communications at Morgan State University and host of I Mix What I Like! on the Real News Network)

Kamau K Franklin (Atlanta based organizer with the American Friends Service Commitee)

Jill Carter (Maryland State Delegate)

Sarah Jaffe (reporting fellow, the Nation Institute)

With the help of the audience, this panel will analyze and problematize the key points addressed by the presidential candidates. They will also discuss the role of electoral politics in grassroots organizing (and whether or not such a role should exist), the way that the left should address Bernie Sanders' campaign, and how the left should deal with the Democratic Party.

This event will be LIVESTREAMED on teleSUR English.   
(Note: YouTube)

One free drink and popcorn with admission! Cash bar will be available.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015 from 8:30 PM to 11:30 PM (EDT)

The Real News Network - 231 Holliday Street Baltimore, MD 21202

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