Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Reefer Guilt while Crazy Fuckers Die

Latest is someone dies from a prescription drug overdose roughly every thirty minutes.  The number has not been validated but it does not surprise me given one hundred have overdosed on heroin in one city in New Hampshire in one week.  (Heroin is not part of any prescription drug statistic but it indicates abuse of this class of drugs in general)

The entire prescription drug class from Vicodin up through Oxycontin, Morphine and other narcotics is abused on a widespread basis as are, often in combination, the psychoactive drugs from Valium to Xanax, etc.  It also includes the SSRI drugs from Wellbutrin to Paxil to Prozac.  In concert, these are the Mind Killer Drugs.

That entire class of medication has become the soma of the age and the stuff is more deadly than people imagine.  The general danger is pacification of the people who use them.  People are naturally 'bi-polar' as anyone goes up or down so the expectation of a life which is consistently calm isn't at all realistic and trying to 'fix' that is bound to fail.

Disease inflation is part of it as doctors want to cure everything.  Autism was recently extended to include just about anyone who ever had a cold.  Now doctors can try to cure that ... with another pill.

This blog has been too fookin' serious lately and that's not any kind of funny.  You get bombarded by one fookin' crisis after the other because everything is a fookin' crisis.  Nevertheless, there's at least a 50% chance some of you are taking drugs in that class of Mind Killers.  The part where I'm not clear is I don't believe people have any idea of the danger of them.

Here at the Rockhouse, this engenders a touch of reefer guilt as how do I know my lackadaisical attitude toward blowin' joints does not also legitimatize other types of drug abuse.  If it does then it's a big problem.  While I don't believe that is true, I'm open to the possibility it might be.

Beware of one thing, tho, as unorthodox thinking isn't something bestowed by reefer.  People can't tell if I'm stoned and, even when I have not smoked for some years, on mention of some odd thing I have done it would not be uncommon for someone to remark, that's how those stoners are.  Well, actually it's not.

The biggest key to this, from where I sit, is the legitimatization which comes from a doctor (i.e. this couldn't be a 'bad drug' when a doctor prescribed it for me).  There's the power of suggestive medicine in which you believe a drug will do something because a doctor told you it would ... and, to some extent, it will.  There's hideous danger in this as the doctor prescribing Klonopin for me was definitely of benign intent as are likely the majority of doctors, excluding 'pill mills,' who prescribe the medication with a pure intent (i.e. it's not just a pill mill writing prescriptions for money).

The difference is smoking reefer or taking hallucinogens is something you have always been told is wrong and that seems an important difference given the types of people who go each way.

And one more time, my attitude toward drugs is not lackadaisical.  I know well which ones will hurt me and I don't screw with them.  As to which ones will hurt me, it's a much shorter list if I write which ones don't:  reefer, mushrooms ... and nothin' else.

Cigarettes, caffeine, alcohol are all addictive and more dangerous than reefer.  Maybe it's an attempt to spread the guilt by dragging those into it as well but it's still fair as none of them, except cigarettes, are well-recognized for the damage they can do and yet the presentation of them is entirely lackadaisical in terms of the great buzz you get from that morning cup o' Joe.

Even with all that, I believe the war on drugs has been aiming in the wrong direction almost the entire time.

You need the interdiction of illegal narcotics but there's one aspect which has mystified me.  It's not often you hear of the big dealers except almost in reverence as we're told of the fantastic wealth and power of these people.  There's one tiny question: where is the money.

Maybe the premise is these outfits are so good at laundering the money that no-one knows where they hide it.  For that to be true, there can't be anyone on Wall Street who has the financial skills to trace contrived financial dealings.  Maybe you believe that but I don't.  Who is better at contriving corrupt financial deals than Wall Street.

Once you locate the guy's money, take it.  You don't mind going in to that country with some Marines to waste him ... so rip him off.  Steal his fookin' money and watch how long he can run his cocaine cartel on credit.

We don't want to hear the money is hard to find.  When we hear of these guys having billions of dollars, we know there's a banker somewhere who can find it.  We can safely rule out burying it in the backyard of the house.

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