Thursday, October 15, 2015

"Miley Cyrus Don't Use Jelly" - Flaming Lips (video)

This takes musical awful into a new Dimension of Awful which is awfulness compounded by more awfulness.  We're going for all-out strange on this one.

Herewith, the state of music, ten or twenty years ago ... or something.  No idea what they do, really ... except their lips flame ... or something.


Miley Cyrus said she is planning a naked concert with The Flaming Lips.

(Ed:  what does she plan?)

Dunno.  Didn't write the article.  We are amused by clickbait headlines.

Frankly, we don't understand how much fucking planning it takes to do a naked concert when she really doesn't wear too much anyway.

We also do not know if she will use jelly.

What say we tell her they were doing simulated sex shows on stages in San Francisco, oh, forty years ago.  Maybe it breaks her li'l heart.

(Ed:  where's the editorial?)

What editorial?

Shall we review how the song is dripping with irony in its primal surrealism, eclectic metaphor in its lyrical magic, and revels in the freedom of music unconstrained by any trace of need for musical value or arbitrary structures.

Or shall we not.

They suck.


Kannafoot said...

Ah, you really should have read the article for no other reason that to obtain a year's supply of material for the blog! Miley, you see, does indeed want to conduct a naked concert. The catch, though, is she wants the entire audience to be naked too, and everyone will be smeared with a white substance that will be made to resemble milk. (I leave the symbolism of that to your imagination.) It's supposedly to film part of a music video for her song "Milky Milky Milk." Yeah, rolls off the tongue, doesn't it? Now, we all know that my mind is about as twisted as they come. My thought is to start a crowdfunding campaign to buy up every seat in the arena and donate all the tickets to every senior citizens center in a 100 mile radius. Let's fill that concert with naked octogenarians! I'm not sure it'll sell any music videos, but it'll be fun to see Miley puke on stage.

Unknown said...

It would be a riot to do as you say but I'm still diggin' the idea of it if not the infantile music which accompanies what she does. Oh yeah, let's hear "Wrecking Ball" one more time (pukes).

All the rock bands evolved or they died but these juniors don't for some odd reason.

This Milky Milk Milk or whatever will go flat dead with Euros because nudity doesn't mean anything to them and, to a large extent, that's true here as well. You only shock someone in Arkansas with nudity these days. It still could be a cool vision of lots of milky bodies writhing about doing milky things. I do think the concept is good if not the many horrible ways it may be delivered.