Thursday, October 15, 2015

Why the Debate Reviews on CNN Did Not Reflect Reality

What?  Influence peddling??  Tell me it ain't so.

Hillary Clinton support comes from a trio of some of the most corrupt corrupt entities on the planet.  Citigroup was proud to be a key part of the mortgage frauds and financial collapse of 2008, Lockheed Martin has been living off Defense Department contracts for decades, and the NYSE which blatantly manipulates select Washington politicians as easily as a child plays with a yo-yo.

Oh really?

How about the Lockheed Martin commercial before the debate which showed the F-35 as if it can do something more than take-off and land.

Note:  it can't.  The aircraft is no more ready for military operations then little Joey's red wagon.

She made them a deal they could not refuse.

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