Monday, October 5, 2015

How Not to Ride at High Speed - 147mph Action Cam (video)

The stunt is a high-speed run on the highway with a claimed average speed of 147mph based on calculation of time to distance.  The incident took place in Beijing and is (cough) now being investigated by Beijing police who, it seems, also saw the video.  (CNN:  Biker detained after clocking 147 mph in Beijing speed stunt)

First up, we don't know if he is a biker.  We know he rides a big bike but that doesn't make him a biker, that makes him a rider.  If you think you are a biker, go on into a biker bar and tell them.  I'm sure they will give you a big wet kiss.  I don't know that because I sure as hell never did it.

At first this seemed like cool scofflaw stuff but then he was going far wide on corners and also there was dodging between cars.  That's not grand prix, it's not sexy at all.  If you hit them there's a good chance you will go through their rear window and kill them too.  There was only one corner for which he seemed to bring any attack so, maybe I'm being too harsh, but I give the guy D.  The only thing keeping him from a flat F fail is he didn't die.

Fundamental Law of Go-Fasters:  never involve civilians

He broke it.  Hang him.

There you go. That's how we do it, out here west of the Pecos.

(Do you know where the Pecos Mountains are?)

I don't even know if they are mountains.  Maybe it's a river.

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