Friday, October 2, 2015

Escitalopram and Hydroxyzine - Ongoing Problem w/SSRI Class of Medicine

Hydroxyzine is tolerated but with reservations whereas Ecitiloparam is in the class of SSRI (serial serotonin reuptake inhibitor) psychotropic drugs, none of which has ever served any useful / healthy purpose in me.  These are the drugs which are or have been in-play (all legal).

Hydroxyzine -

Escitalopram (Lexapro) - (also known as Lexapro) - Dangerous
Note:  SSRI class

Clonazepam (Klonopin) - - Dangerous
Note:  Benzodiazapine or 'benzo' class

Wellbutrin (Zyban) - - Dangerous
Note:  SSRI class - Used twenty years ago.  Link is due to a reference in the article.

The last three in the list are definitely dangerous drugs but there is further consideration regarding Hydroxyzine.  They may not be dangerous for you but they were definitely dangerous for me and consistently so.  These drugs don't 'solve' anything.  With ganja, you know it will wear off.  With these, you know it won't.

There are multiple warnings on the Internet about 'benzo' drugs and SSRI drugs.  Benzo's most famous name is likely Valium.  Maybe most famous for SSRI is Prozac.  The danger in these drugs is they seem benign.

As with Klonopin, there was no deviation from the prescribed dose.  There has been one tab of the Escitalopram and that's when things got nuts with fear, mania, disorientation.  It doesn't make me so crazy as to rob the view of it.  I'm aware these things are happening and that helps somewhat in managing them.

This was not an error on Miss Maggie's part as she asked me about each one but I missed it that Lexapro is in the SSRI class.  Missing things is not uncommon and that's part of the symptom as well.

The exit plan is to bag the Ecitiloparam altogether since I have only taken one dose of it so it should wear off tonight.  The Hydroxyzine continues although there is reservation about the effects of it.  The reason for continuing for the latter is it's not in the SSRI class.

Wellbutrin is another of the SSRI drugs and it's secondarily prescribed as something for assistance to quit smoking (Zyban).  The last time any doctor suggested I use one of those, he ramped up the dose too quickly.  The result was I constantly felt like I didn't know whether to stand up, sit down, or use the toilet.  By 'last time,' I mean twenty years ago and I never went near them again.

My experience with these drugs is you need to take them for maybe a week or a month to get accustomed to them and then the side-effects of agitation and mania will subside.  However, this is not medicine as what happens is your mind adapts to the drug rather than the other way around and the destructiveness of that you can see for yourself.

(Ed:  why tell me?)

You may have seen I warn against SSRI and other drugs here in the blog.  This comes from personal experience.  Many are being consumed by these things and it's a huge business for Big Pharma.  These are also the Big Pharma drugs with some of the highest mark-ups, in some cases by thousands of percentage points.  Get people addicted to them and then crank the price, that's how you do it.

I have a friend who is obsessed with her mania and complains regularly of it in terms of, man, I haven't slept in thirty days or some such.  Quite apart from that being impossible, the obvious answer is STOP THE DRUGS but that doesn't happen.  The mind can be deluded by them to believe they're the only solution but the reality is they make the solution worse.

There is no way to change her but perhaps you will be wise enough to avoid them.  These are extremely dangerous drugs.

The content of what I write is altered by it as discerning that which is real is compromised.  There's enough of me left to get this much together but my mind is running like a Tonka truck instead of a Ferrari.

(Ed:  Ferrari?)

wtf, I'm stoned (larfs).

(Ed:   artistic license can't drive a Ferrari)

Yah but it can pretend real good.  If you have ever heard twelve-cylinders of Ferrari metal power blasting down a French Autoroute at full-bore, do that.  You must.  There are Ferraris all over the place in Monte Carlo and what else will you do with it when you get bored with the casinos.  Yep, you take your macho, tuxedo-wearin' badness and go blasting around the Autoroute, making that sweet, sweet twelve-cylinder sound.

(Ed:  that was ok.  I still wasn't driving it but ok.)

Note:  the reference to 'stoned' is marginally facetious as I haven't smoked anything.  I will as it may mitigate the situation but I have not done that as yet.

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