Sunday, October 11, 2015

CNN Requests Assistance with Most Unflattering Picture of Clinton

CNN achieved the impossible today and actually found a way to make Hillary Clinton look worse.

Holy shit!  CNN must really hate you to post this one.

(Ed:  do you hate her?)

Nope.  She's just an unusual phenomenon.  She's not interesting politically but the blazing arrogance is one major study.

Still, there are studies and then there are assassinations.  The harsh lighting polarizes, the cold stare makes her look like a fish, and it's a tight close-up to capture every tiny wrinkle and they will be accentuated by the bad lighting.  The picture has some blue shift to make her look even colder.  Someone wanted a photographic kill shot.

It's also an item in showing her glasses because glasses on a man are usually regarded as distinguished, maybe even intellectual, but glasses on a woman are often regarded as signs of age and weakness.  That's not fair but still that's how it often goes.

This ain't photography but murder.


Anonymous said...

You can put lipstick on a pig but

Unknown said...

I really do see this one as assassination. I'm no fan of Clinton but this was a dirty shot.