Friday, October 16, 2015

Bernie Sanders Will Not Accept Dirty Money from Martin Shkreli

Martin Shkreli thinks his dirty money spends the same as anyone else but not with Bernie Sanders because he won't take it from that gouging bastard.  (RawStory: Bernie Sanders rejects donation from ‘poster boy for drug company greed’ Martin Shkreli)

Bernie Sanders is an honest and moral man whereas Martin Shkreli has no pride and doesn't care when he disgraces himself by gouging on the price of pharmaceuticals he sells.  In case, you don't remember, Martin Shkreli is the one who jacked-up an AIDS / anti-cancer drug from a low price to about $750 in one of the most outrageous cases of price gouging America or the world has ever seen. That someone can do this to people for medicine shows the worst people are capable of becoming.

But Martin Shkreli will not be allowed to poison anything around Bernie Sanders because Sanders will not tolerate what Shkreli does.  The gouging on this drug is nothing new and Martin Shkreli has made a fortune with other drugs doing exactly the same thing.

That any of these things are even possible is one of the greatest weaknesses in American medicine and exposes one of the most brutal aspects of the way the American health care system is being abused.  Martin Shkreli is far from the only one but he is the only one who is so blatant about it that he has no concern about the publicity he gets for doing it.

Martin Shkreli has been thinking his dirty money spends the same.

No, it doesn't.  Not around here and not with Bernie Sanders.

Huge hat tip to Bernie Sanders for having the pride and the honesty to reject any contribution of filthy lucre from Martin Shkreli.

Note:  there is a rumor Bernie Sanders sent the money instead to an AIDS / HIV charity and Martin Shkreli was infuriated by it.   We don't believe it but it would be funny if it did.


Anonymous said...

Hat tips to Sanders.
I guess Obama had no more room to hide big pharma money

Unknown said...

Obama has almost nothing to do with that as I'm sure you well know. He owns two brutally-ineffective non-wars but he didn't poison Big Pharma as it's been toxic for many, many years.