Friday, October 16, 2015

CNN Blatantly Demonstrates with Hillary Clinton the Corruption of Media Broadcasting

The reporting of the results from the CNN Debate where radically different as reported by CNN than they were anywhere else.  When you review contributions to her campaign, it becomes clear why.

Time Warner, owner of CNN, is Hillary Clinton's seventh biggest supporter and has contributed, get this, $501,831 to Clinton's campaign.

CNN's own poll showed Bernie Sanders was regarded as the winner by 81% of the people responding so CNN withdrew the poll.  No-one else withdrew polls they ran which had the same thing with people regarding Bernie Sanders as the runaway victor of the debate and, thus, the CNN reporting was shown to be grossly biased.  Given the intimate financial relationship with Hillary Clinton, we see why the reporting was so biased.

This kind of corruption is a large part of the dishonesty which has been stealing elections in America.  Overt manipulation of the public with false information is proven clearly with the way CNN distorted what happened in the CNN Debate and this is a direct insult to the heart of America:  YOU.

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