Friday, October 23, 2015

Beauty for No Particular Reason

Starburst Galaxy, Messier 94

Messier 94 looks a little bit like our galaxy, the Milky Way, would look if viewed from above.

As we behold something of such enormity, inevitably comes questions of how can this be random.

But even the most hardened of atheistic astrophysicists does not believe this is random.  Any randomness came out of the nature of the Big Bang and what happened in milliseconds (?) after it.  From that point forward, the rest of the physical Universe was predictable based on the laws of physics, etc.  I'm no astrophysicist but I have fairly good confidence their laws of physics predict huge collections of random particles of whatever will inevitably coalesce into structures of this nature.

The Big Bang is the faith part.  This is simply magnificence to be appreciated and enjoyed for its own sake.  Maybe even one day it will be understood.

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