Friday, July 3, 2015

The Stein / Sanders Green Dream Date

For this campaign, I would even get a car bumper sticker.  Since I don't have a car, I would wear the Stein / Sanders bumper sticker on my back.

(Ed:  yah but would you vote?)

For this ticket I would vote.  For the others, voting only wastes my time as none of them are of Presidential calibre and the differences between them are trivial.

Presumably, Sanders has the wisdom beyond testosterone to know Jill Stein should be President rather than he as it's better for America.  She may well be more qualified anyway but he has the name recognition and he's drawing some serious dollars in support.

What Sanders lacks is identity.  Even though he says what Democrats are supposed to be saying, he's regarded by most as Aluminum Hat with ideas too crazy even for Ron Paul or Rand Paul (even if Ron Paul doesn't seem quite so crazy anymore).  Mainstream Democrats have shifted so far to the right that the only stop left for that train is at the RNC convention.

The Green Party has identity and it's global.  The synergy for Stein with the Green Party and Sanders with a seemingly non-trivial measure of star power could result in a finer expression of the populist view of things than has been seen in many years.

The purity of Green Party goals is clear.  Many would be delighted to argue, sometimes vociferously, over the benefit or even achievability of such goals but there's little to dispute in the content of them (e.g. it's better to be less wasteful, it's better to practice balanced husbandry with the planet, etc, etc).

If only one thing comes of this election, it will be worth all the hassle.  The answer to everything, no matter what it was, has for a long, long time been NO, we can't afford it.  This kind of deliberately obstructive obstinacy is thinly-disguised treason and the consequence of it is austerity programs around the planet.  There has never in history been such a wallowing in incompetent management and the surest sign of incompetence is blaming the other team for it.  Leaders do; followers point fingers.

So I'll point my finger ... toward Stein and Sanders, my dream Green date for the White House.

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