Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Heroin AM to Get Jacked on Skag and Then Be Productive - SNL (video)

Oh, the flatfoots getting jacked over this video, yes, they are.  It increases the possibility people will use heroin, you know.  It also makes it clear suburban white women do it too and ain't that a bitch as this one is hallucinating.  It's great if you don't mind hallucinating violent monsters.

The reaction to the video is much like Johnny Depp's apology with his girlfriend for bringing dogs illegally into Australia.  It wasn't so much that he did it but rather you could start your countdowns for how long until people on the Internet were judging whether it was an 'authentic apology.'

There are three thousand documented live nukes in the world plus many, many more and these people manage to lose their shit over Johnny Depp's dog.



Anonymous said...

With heroin use up over 400% I find that so funny. But no worries, how many ex cast members have ODed. How many special guests
Doesnt matter it nade for a good skit

Unknown said...

It's dangerous comedy but it jacks people and brings a different focus to something which was mostly speeches and statistics. Can't say I have a problem with people getting outraged on the subject or getting it in their faces that suburban white women do it too. In fact, one of only two people I have known who were hard-addicted, was a well-to-do, suburban white woman. She was hugely addicted to Vicodin and didn't know it until she was forced to stop. The other was in Edinburgh.

Anonymous said...

anecdotes. It affects all demographics. Most suburban white women get oxyies from thier Dr just like Limbaugh did.
Heroin is still a street drug as it has always been
No one is seriously addicted and doesnt know it. They may pretend or hide it well but they know

Anonymous said...

The people watching SNL didnt get outraged, they laughed and got stoned

Unknown said...

It got some pundits in a bit of a lather but despite the obvious hard irony I found it mostly funny. I'm not sure it's effective for any kind of consciousness raising or if it just comes over as entertainment and somehow makes heroin a little bit more acceptable.

Unknown said...

I'm not sure if the individual in the last paragraph was aware of it due to parallel abuse of alcohol. The delusion from either one is enough to put you into the loo but alcohol has a particular gift for making the most whacked-out looney things seem the right moves.

Anonymous said...

It doesnt really matter what the drug of choice is. At some point they all exceeds ones intelligence then stuff happens. The degree that stuff happens is directly proportional to the substance and the amount of use.

Unknown said...

Lumping them all together like that doesn't help anyone and you know it's not true in any case. Putting ganja and heroin in the same bag makes no sense whatsoever.

My observation is something such as Paxil is as bad in its own way as heroin. If you think of your consciousness as a sine wave, Paxil clips it to knock out the lows but it also knocks out the highs. The result is a passive, content non-existence. You still exist but you aren't what you were.

I've used most of these drugs and I know what they do. The question is how much consciousness you are willing to surrender to any of them. If it's any then you have already lost. Hallucinogens are in a unique category but they're taken for purpose and you know for yourself they don't escape from anything. Reality is much more an escape from dreams, blah, blah.

Anonymous said...

You defend weed because it is your drug of choice and you have been doing it so long you are immune to it.
I bet Clapton functioned quite well on heroin.
My stores were full of potheads with zero ambition. Please do not use Snoop Marley Willie or yourself as examples of how harmless it is.
And yes it is true. If I were to smoke weed in the morning I would accomplish zero tomorrow. If I open a bottle of wine tonight I will accomplish very little.
There is a reason that weed is not banned by any sports authority as a PED
As Shakespeare said it increases the desire but decreases the performance

Unknown said...

Someday you may wish to look past what you write to why you write it.