Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Sleeping in the Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam

Nothing that's been seen since the Inquisition can match trying to sleep in a chair in an airport but there's also nothing that can detract from the exhilaration of getting in the wind toward Texas today.  The main trick isn't so much the sleeping but rather keeping various parts of your body over the luggage in the hope you will awaken if someone tries to, erm, borrow it.  This creates an exquisite level of discomfort but the time still went by surprisingly quickly.

The day starts with a nice helping of seaweed as the next big problem in an airport is finding something to eat that uses something less than the meat from several large cows to produce.  Plus seaweed is very cheap.  It's also very damn good.

Where the Edinburgh Airport was funny, the Schiphol Airport is a goliath.  You could probably put the entire Edinburgh Airport, runways and all inside the terminal building and they have everything in here ... well, except reefer.  You have to go downtown for that.

Everything should get underway in a bit over four hours.  I still don't have flight details but they won't be available until I check in at 10:00 a.m. Amsterdam Time.

I'll try to get some pics when the sun comes up and hopefully they will be more than Just Another Damn Airport.

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