Thursday, November 21, 2013

Back in the Killing Zone

America does love killing people and of course that's blindingly obvious to anyone outside the U.S.  I've only been back in the country for a few days and already there has been the first execution.

When they decide to execute someone in China, they just take the person outside and do it.  That's not good enough for America as here they like to screw with them first.  It's the same as with cats that will never kill something immediately as they enjoy the process too much to cut it short.

Before the death penalty is implemented in America, there will be years of appeals and these will get shorter and shorter in duration right up to the moment of the execution with various courts saying you're going to die ... oh wait, no you're not ... hold on, yes you are ... on and on.  All of this plays out in the news to great public amusement.

The one they executed was Joseph Paul Franklin, a particularly demented killer who murdered multiple people because he says he was doing God's work.  That this guy is a complete waste of protoplasm is not at question.  He murdered multiple times and there is no reason at all to believe anything he would ever say about rehabilitation.

One of the people Franklin shot was Larry Flynt who ended up paralysed by it.  However, Flynt worked very hard to prevent Franklin's execution.  That Flynt wanted to prevent the execution received relatively little publicity as that takes away from the righteousness of snuffing him.  Flynt said it wasn't out of a misguided sense of forgiveness that he wanted the execution stopped but rather it was a matter of principle:  humans do not have the right to take another's life.

Larry Flynt has been in trouble with the law for much of his adult life for publishing that which has been classified as pornography.  He made Cincinnati famous in an obscenity trial that proved conclusively that the Cincinnati justice system is riddled with asshats.  He won the obscenity trial and his Hustler magazine got more publicity than any skin mag could ever have hoped.

What's important about Flynt's use of free speech to defend his creation of Hustler magazine is that his belief in principles wasn't just a matter of exploiting the law for his own purpose.  Even after taking a bullet, he still staunchly defended his principle that the death penalty is wrong.

So Joseph Paul Franklin is now dead.  It was highly-antiseptic and Americans can say it was painless and civilised but what you will absolutely never hear is who did it.  The names of the executioners are never publicised as they know their shame regardless of how much the media attempts to portray what they do as within the law and reasonable.

Before someone steps up with what about abortion, I'll offer this deal:  I'll give up any thought of abortion in the third trimester if you'll give up capital punishment.

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