Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Untolerable Bohemian and lefty Unplugged Exploring Cat's Art MusikCircus

Last week I wrote about Untolerable Bohemian's show at Cat's Art MusikCircus but I'll do it a little differently this time as here's a video of what he didn't do:

Bo hasn't been playing electric for a while but this is what it sounds like when he does.  Regardless of whether he plays acoustic or electric, it will be explorative stuff and he does that with his singing as well.

Here's Bo:

I said I wouldn't keep writing the same reviews over and over so let's leave this one with the taste of Bo's electric side and I'll see what else I can find for next week.

lefty Unplugged played the second show and I hadn't heard him play since before going to Scotland. Visiting with he and Mrs lefty was one of the coolest things about the expedition.

Last night lefty Unplugged started out exploring.  He has a sophisticated studio and he was bringing in a looper, an echo, and other types of things as he went off on a journey that went for between ten and fifteen minutes.  After he finished, he said he was just 'messing around' as if it had no value but that was pure lefty innovation, right off the top of his head, and it was excellent.

lefty Unplugged is also one of the best poets in Second Life and he has a unique delivery for all his songs.  There's one called "Blacker Than" in which he pulls out the voice of what I suggested might be a serial killer as it's perfect for the song.  Maybe you wonder what's romantic about a song like that and, well, nothin'.  However, he does a great job of making a song to show what you probably don't want to be.  Of course there is a purpose to that or every song would be about ducklings and kittens.

Where I screwed up last night was that I was going on about how lefty's 'messing around' tunes are exceptional and really need to be recorded.  That might not sound like a bad thing but I was too enthusiastic about it ... so I'm probably being too enthusiastic right now as well.  So I'll just say that stuff is damn good and RECORD IT.  So, there.  I said it and I'm glad.

And Cat and I danced.  She looks happy but that's because I didn't tell her yet that I broke the script in the door.  Whoops.  Maybe I can fix it before she needs it.

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