Saturday, November 23, 2013

Kylie Minogue klatscht Raab eine! / Kylie Minogue Pops One on Stefan Raab

People tell you things are funny on the Internet all the time and they hardly ever are ... so you will just have to trust me on this one.  Stefan Raab is a German comedian and musician.  In this video he goes to teach a song to Kylie Minogue ... in German.

Um, no, Germans don't talk like Colonel Klink from Hogan's Heroes.  It's just a shame that 'everything in German sounds like a threat' (Michael Mittermeier).

All of the videos in the article are different kinds of German comedy and hopefully you will find them entertaining.  You don't need to know German to follow them as all are mostly English.

A politician for the Green Party in Germany said in a speech, "Gebt es Hanf frei!"

So what?  Well, in English that means 'give hemp free!"

OK, now I guess I have your attention so here's Stefan Raab doing a song on that theme (the voice saying "Gebt das Hanf frei" is the politician):

Apparently the studio was searched for drugs by the police after the video went live.  Judging by the video, I'd say there weren't any drugs left by that time.

Here's another German comedian and he's definitely Not Safe For Work.  He walks all around the park with his last story and it's very clever how he wraps it.

Michael Mittermeier is famous in Germany and he likes taking his comedy on tour in English-speaking countries.  As he says, he is a 'friendly Nazi.'

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