Sunday, January 27, 2013

What Are the Songs Doing

The graphic shows the downloads for songs from the Ride the Dragon podcast as of yesterday prior to when I uploaded "Walking in the Dark."  I don't look at the stats all that often as the hazard is you can easily wind up spending all of your time looking at numbers and consequently don't get anything done

It looks a bit unusual in that a song that didn't get so many hits may be higher than a song that got hit more but that's because the chart is sorted by download size rather than download number.  If a song with a large file size gets only a few hits then it can be higher on the chart than a song that has a small file size but got hit more.

The hits decay with time as "Celebration of Circe Broom" got a great number of hits last month but it's been on the podcast for a while now so it's faded.  Below are the stats from December to show you that:

So, "Mister Ganja Man" did surprisingly well ... and I wasn't even stoned (laughs).  There's not much to conclude about cover songs as "Everybody Knows" is nowhere but "Send Me an Angel" is pretty high up.  The latter was based on canned back tracks but with my lead guitar and my vocals whereas for "Everybody Knows" I played everything.  From that I conclude there is no logic to cover songs and I still have very little interest in doing them.  Judging by the numbers, there is no reason to have any interest in them either.

The songs that invariably do the best are when I put something of my own on the looper and then wail on top of it.  Fortunately, that's what I love to do the most anyway.

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