Sunday, January 6, 2013

Learning Greek and German at the Same Time

If you say that's impossible then, yep, got to agree with you but that's what makes it interesting!  My progress with Greek is not impressive but I am coming along as some places I really do speak nothing but Greek.  The communication is quite simple but nevertheless they only use English as a fallback.  With German the progress is much better but there's a great deal more background in it.  So, we shall see!

One thing is to learn the German keyboard layout and it's just different enough to add some more confusion to my typing skills already addled by Greek.  For example, 'y' and 'z' trade places and the punctuation moves all over the place to make room for characters with an ümlaut.  Most interesting!  I believe I'll stay with the German character set to see how this works out! The German character set works for German or English and it just takes some adjustment as above.  Even so, doing that will mean I can have all three languages by switching only to the Greek character set as I need it.

Ich versuche mit Deutsch und ich lerne jeden Tag. (I try with German and learn every day)

Es ist langsamer mit der griechischen Sprache aber es wird kommen.  (It is slower with the Greek language but it will come)

Und jetzt du bist sehr gut wenn du wisst was ich tun muss.  (And now you're very good if you know what I must do)

(Ed:  write a song in German?)

Ja, ja, ja!

Ναι, ναι, ναι!

Yes, yes, yes!


Anonymous said...

Scary, I almost did not need the translations. You have a niece that you can converse with in german also

Unknown said...

I'm having all kinds of fun with it but the alternate keyboard for German is a bit unusual. I am thoroughly enjoying it as what was once just an exercise in education is now real life. I suspect that same niece would be quite intrigued by the photography of Bernhard Winkler of Berlin as he does some incredible work!

Unknown said...

Not the football player but the photographer!

Unknown said...

Well, I'm sure the football player is very good too!

Anonymous said...

I will send her the link but she usually then proceeds to tell me all about their body of work

Unknown said...

Getting ahead of her on this is not likely!