Saturday, October 7, 2017

My Duck Soup Takes the Day on the Trail to #Blotto

Disclaimer: this is straight-up writing of active lung cancer in me but nothing in the #Blotto set of articles has been written with thoughts of trying to shock or disturb.  I am using in-home hospice and that's the best circumstance I could hope relative to being in a hospice clinic or, worst of all, to be admitted into a hospital.

My Duck Soup has been a substantial problem and it owned this day since it seemed there was an insurmountable dependency so it needed to be kept but that costs money so resolving the problem has been vital.  That resolution came today since the dependency was not significant and has now been removed.  The removal is obvious as soon as you see Ithaka but I'm tremendously pleased with the result.

At first I thought of removing the graphics from Ithaka as harsh but necessary.  It was only a short time before I came to like it since it's much more direct.  The first thing the reader sees is the reference to the featured article which is perfect for the article must likely to draw interest from readers who came for something else.  The sidebar element following that lists whatever was hottest during all of the previous week so that's right to the point, just as with the first one.

The same effect follows throughout the new and improved sidebar and I'm most pleased with the result since I felt most of the things removed were subtly or maybe not so subtly pushing Seraphin into a philosophical position and pushing anything is not acceptable to me for this transition.  He's not some kid trying to get ready for his Final for Algebra; he will be King fer chrissakes.

All of this was to verify a dependency between Ithaka and My Duck Soup.  That has been cleared and Ithaka is not dependent on My Duck Soup for anything now.  I'm somewhere approaching ecstatic over that since it solves a really nasty problem plus it saves Seraphin some significant recurring dollars.

Zen Yogi:  I bet you want a hell yeah for that

That would be outstanding, Cowboy Yogi.

Zen Yogi:  HELL YEAH!

That was a great one, Yogi.  HELL YEAH!

There's not much to report otherwise since the surrealism of it all is continuous and makes an unusual part of the Trail.  There are mild hallucinations but they're only on the periphery and just become part of the scenery.  There's no kozmik advice on dealing with it since there's probably not a one-size-fits-all solution anyway.

Much love to you all.

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