Saturday, February 11, 2017

Here are the Ones Who Making Fracking Possible - -Science

Intellectualizing about unconventional means for extracting oil is all very well but you won't find a word in the science about the consequence at Standing Rock nor is there any consideration of the fact filthy extraction methods are making Americans pay the price for Wall Street's dirty war with OPEC.

Understanding how oil and gas molecules, water and rocks interact at the nanoscale will help make extraction of hydrocarbons through hydraulic fracturing more efficient, according to Rice University researchers.

- Science Daily:  Deeper look at unconventional oil and gas

This is not a deeper look but instead an exceptionally shallow look since it offers not one scintilla of information about the consequences.

The dirty oil business could not possibly find better buddies than these motherfrackers.

Rice engineers George Hirasaki and Walter Chapman are leading an effort to better characterize the contents of organic shale by combining standard nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) -- the same technology used by hospitals to see inside human bodies -- with molecular dynamics simulations.

The work presented this month in the Journal of Magnetic Resonance details their method to analyze shale samples and validate simulations that may help producers determine how much oil and/or gas exist in a formation and how difficult they may be to extract.

- SD

Oh, we love you long time, G.I.

There's no need to continue with the content of the article since you likely see already the total abdication of any kind of scientific responsibility for the consequences of what the science will do.  The thinking of that kind of abdication typically leads to Oppenheimer and his lead of the development of the atomic bomb but he had a legitimate reason for doing it in the need to prevent the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people.  That doesn't make us thankful for The Bomb but we do see the justification.

The unconscionable abuse of the environment inherent in fracking and the consequent additional abuse with pipelines being routed through the paths of least resistance to subsequently leak all over them are some of the worst crimes science is currently capable of committing.

Hiding behind the cover of doing it for the love of science is cheerleader spew to amuse the stockholders.  When you sell your soul to Legba, at least have the balls to own what you did.

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