Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Without Misinformation, Facebook Will Have Nothing Left Except Selfies

Without seeing the Clintonnage on Facebook, there's not likely a way to appreciate the bilious blast of bombastic bullshit which was coming relentlessly from that medium.  Facebook is like the worst nookie you ever had in your life since nothing comes out of it but that spared you all of that rubbish.  That saved your vestal souls from it but the E.S.F. (Extended Swamp Factor) was killing people with all the methane online.  (RT:  Facebook to crack down on spread of misinformation)

I got so sick of that tedious rot I've hardly been back to Facebook since.  Here's another slam of how Facebook fails.  (Huffington Post:  Bernie Sanders Could Replace President Trump With Little-Known Loophole)

Zucky (his friends call him Zucky) hasn't been having such a good year.  First his satellite blew up when SpaceX tried to launch it.  Next his candidate got stomped into high-cholesterol paste in Central Park and on national TV.  Now Zucky is called to task for running such a squalid sewer of irresponsible muckraking, journalistic fabrication, and openly biased representation.

Damn, ain't that a bitch.

Forty-four percent of people get their news exclusively from social networks and Facebook has been running up a list of embarrassing fiascoes even faster than Hillary Clinton.

Ed:  must run in the family.

It does seem so.

Ed:  probably those are the people who did not vote for the election.

Au contraire.  Those are the people who did vote and we embrace their anarchy.

Ed:  but Facebook was pushing Clinton!

Yah but they sucked at it.  They never considered one of the Most Important Aspects of the Day:

In one way we admire Zucky since Bill Gates made billions selling software which doesn't work but Zucky made billions selling software which doesn't do anything.  That's genius Wall Street will always respect and, next thing we knew, Barry was inviting him to the White House for tea.

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