Saturday, November 19, 2016

I'm with Mother and Sue the Damn Clinic

Any clinic which takes steps with my under-age child toward anything without my permission is definitely bound for wrath since no-one has a right to undermine my parental authority without an order from a court which rules on my incompetence.

In this case, a seventeen-year-old has started gender reassignment surgery without parental consent and Mother, quite rightly, is on the warpath.  (RT:  Mom sues transgender teen, clinic for undergoing medical procedures without consent)

We're talking about a lifetime, irreversible change based on a decision by a minor who doesn't even have enough common sense to use a cellphone without texting.  Next thing we know, she and usually three cheerleader friends get killed in a car crash and people go, oh, gee, what went wrong.

I'm not talking about birth control, abortion, or any other matter.  Don't be trying to push buttons or obfuscate this single matter of an irreversible change to the patient since the other types of procedures do not do that, regardless of your opinion of a sorry end for a fetus.  The sex change can't ever be reversed and the Rockhouse believes puts the matter into an entirely different category in terms of impact to the patient.

Since the patient is my daughter, I'm in instant flames over this matter.  My position is not negotiable as a parent.  When you're eighteen, kid, then you make your own decisions and own them as an adult but you will NOT do that as a minor.

Ed:  you don't even have a kid!

Yah and you don't EVEN want to know how pissed I would be if my kid were more than hypothetical and this happened.  Dad will be reaching for the war tomahawk to crack some heads and take some scalps.

For the sake of pleonastic reiteration, neither abortion nor birth control are the subject in this matter and the Rockhouse has zero interest in either one.


Anonymous said...

Just to clarify abortions are not reversible.

Anonymous said...

But the procedure is immaterial. It is just another situation where the state oversteps its bounds. And tells parents tjat thier values are less important than the state's values

Anonymous said...

It would be a sad day for myself my daughter and the clinic that perfomed any procedure on my minor daughter.
Funny how the state says school cant give a child apirin at school but they can send them to have thier cajones cut off

Unknown said...

I understand what abortions do and I'm talking strictly in the context of the mother.

I didn't think there would be any disagreement on this one as I suspect the lot of you would be up in arms if it were your kid.

Anonymous said...

Or supercede the wishes by sending them to get birth control. If the child is raised as a Catholic, the state can suerpcede both the parents religous and moral values with one visit.

Unknown said...

Same with me as in the article, parental permission is not negotiable to apply here but not there. No deal.

Anonymous said...

Or supercede the wishes by sending them to get birth control. If the child is raised as a Catholic, the state can suerpcede both the parents religous and moral values with one visit.

Unknown said...

As above, I won't permit birth control either if the house rules do not. Unless something I am doing is causing harm to the child, the state has no right to cross my threshold.

Anonymous said...

It sure seems like since abortion doesnt physically harm the mother, you would allow her to have an abortion without parental consent.
Most states dont even require any counseling or education of options before an abortion.
For some reason, the state has decided to seperate procedures of a sexual nature to be ruled by different rules as any other procedures.

Anonymous said...

It sure seems like since abortion doesnt physically harm the mother, you would allow her to have an abortion without parental consent.
Most states dont even require any counseling or education of options before an abortion.
For some reason, the state has decided to seperate procedures of a sexual nature to be ruled by different rules as any other procedures.

Anonymous said...

This case is a little different as the child petioned the court to become an emancipated minor. Therefore, the child is legally allowed to make thier own decisions

Anonymous said...

This case is a little different as the child petioned the court to become an emancipated minor. Therefore, the child is legally allowed to make thier own decisions
Since the child was living apart and had no contact either way between the two during this time. It seems that there is far more going on than this story is allowin bus to know

Unknown said...

Let's go with what right does the state emancipate a minor except in the case of possible harm to the child if it fails to act.

The family sounds so dysfunctional they probably couldn't agree on where to go for dinner.

Unknown said...

The abortion requires parental consent according to Rockhouse Rules. Even when it's ruled by others it does no harm to the mother, it's my right as a parent to decide. Nope, no deal on that one.

I'm not going to go with much of anything for a kid without parental consent for it.

Anonymous said...

A court can decide to emancipate a 16 or 17 minor if the minor can prove that they can support themselves and make valid decisions. In this case the reason it was not signed is the judge may have discovered the reason for the emancipation was to circumvent the need for the mothers signature. This may be the reason fir the fallout between the two.
The state continually oversteps it authority under the Clinton theme it takes a village to raise a child.

Unknown said...

That situation sounds more like roller derby than law. It would have to be an exceptional situation before I would even consider this emancipation business.

There's almost nothing on a Clinton theme I'll defend as I don't see him as anything more than a derivative of Reagan.