Thursday, August 4, 2016

Things Improve Marginally

America didn't improve at all but the health situation is at least seeming it does not get any worse.

Each time this happens and there are four or five instances at least, there is hideous congestion but with no evidence of infection.  There's vicious coughing and my strength altogether disappears.  It becomes a feat simply to stand.  The goo is heavy and sticky and I enjoy twelve to eighteen ounces of that filth every day just to make life as disgusting as possible.

All that starts for no apparent reason and finally leaves but without any logic explanation of that either.  That seems to indicate a health problem but there is zero evidence of infection.  I'm sure you know what happens when you're coughing up stuff from a bacterial infection and this is not the same thing.

It's not so simple as milk creating more mucus and therefore more vulnerability to congestion but usually milk helps in coming out of it.

This type of material is not pushed on social networks and it wouldn't matter if it were since I haven't used on in several days.  When they see such things, the typical reaction online is to 'send prayers' which, in plain English, means, "Fuck you.  This isn't even worth sending a card."

So I stay away from online because I need that like I need Tasmanian Devils chewing my face.  The superficiality of people is becoming increasingly abhorrent and maybe that's the old crank in me but it's still accurate.  Online is a fast jump to Flatland where they don't understand UP because the concept doesn't exist in a two-dimensional world.

There's no way to see a doctor since any new appointment with VA won't come up for three months.  I don't have to ask to discover if Republicans hate me; I only need to try to schedule an appointment at VA.

Those sniveling, cowardly bastards of the GOP have been gutting the VA for years with no more excuse for it than it needs to be privatized.  That gives them a convenient excuse for doing nothing and they have been taking it for years.  As you may know already, hardly any of them have been in the military and that's true for most of America since the private Army meant the GOP could use the military as a cadre of mercenaries to do whatever they want and Americans won't say anything.

NeoDemocrats not only don't resist it, they sign onto it too and Hillary Clinton is one of the worst Washington nightmares to come down the road in years.  Obama's record of world devastation stands for itself.  These people are incredibly dangerous because they don't have the morality of a plate of spaghetti.

Actually, the spaghetti shows more morality since you can always depend on it to be what it is.

The discussion with Yevette is whether America will survive and we don't think so.  The country has shifted so far to extremes, it's not likely even possible to pull back from it.  Evolution in Action, I suppose.

Frankly, I couldn't care less what happens to the country and I did at one point but I saw I was alone in observing what needs to be fixed.  That's not activism but rather it's being surrounded by ostriches who put their heads in the sand.

We don't know if flamingos do it too but we saw how all those bleedin' heart Yanks went berserk over some asshole croaking a flamingo but the same people don't say a word over cops killing eleven hundred Americans every year.  That's another reason it's not likely the country can be saved since this has gone beyond a Russian police state now to some demented and willfully murderous beast we have not seen before.  The difference is Russians protested and Americans don't say anything.  In fact, they invite it.

The only thing which really matters down here is seeing a doctor but there's no way to do it in any reasonable time frame and that's just one more example of American cowardice.  They willfully send military to get wasted but they don't give a shit about vets when they come back here.  When they're not even willing to save the vets, what reason is there to believe they will ever save themselves.

Note:  I was never in combat and would not have gone if they had ordered me to Vietnam.  I have no idea what I would have done but there's no chance I'm dying on some asshole politician's orders and there's no chance I'm murdering in any case.

I see the heroes every time I go out to VA both in the people who served and those who work so selflessly to help.  I never see heroes anywhere else although I see a whole lot of people striking the pose.  They disgust me as their pose is empty and shallow.

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