Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Harry Truman Started the Cold War Before This One

Harry Truman authorized the first post-WWII above-ground nuclear tests and thus caused the Cold War with Stalin and fifty years of misery for the world.  Truman also set up the Iranian coup which installed the Shah and Eisenhower carried it forward to execute it in 1953.  (WIKI:  1953 Iranian coup d'état)

With these two simple moves, Truman plagued the world right through the present day.

Obama had this to say:

This issue has been a source of tension between the United States and the Islamic Republic of Iran. For many years, Iran has defined itself in part by its opposition to my country, and there is indeed a tumultuous history between us.  In the middle of the Cold War, the United States played a role in the overthrow of a democratically elected Iranian government.  Since the Islamic Revolution, Iran has played a role in acts of hostage-taking and violence against U.S. troops and civilians.  This history is well known. Rather than remain trapped in the past, I have made it clear to Iran's leaders and people that my country is prepared to move forward.

That bit of sanctimonious, hypocritical and oh-so-magnanimous crap isn't worth the paper to write it when America with Britain caused the problem in the first place.

Obama's legacy winds up being much the same as that of Truman.  Just as with Bush, Obama has caused immense problems in the Middle East and the world, largely due to the same arrogance Bush showed.  Insofar as Bush never did anything in particular to escalate a nuke war, it looks quite a bit like Bush will wind up with a better reputation than Obama, assuming that fool, Obama, doesn't manage to provoke that war and get us all killed.

In fact, there isn't any problem in the Middle East which Britain and or America did not cause.

We're downgrading the rating of Obama from Not All That Good to the bottom as Absolute Plague of Humanity.  Here's yet another reason for it:

In the last few days, Obama authorized upgrade to America's B-61 nuclear weapon while he has also dispatched B-1 bombers to the Pacific.  He said it's a magnificent aircraft which can carry the B-61 but, actually, just about any of them can do it, even that suicidal piece of junk, the F-35.  (WIKI:  B61 nuclear bomb)

The weapon hasn't been upgraded in years and was originally designed in the sixties and, regrettably, that's the only thing Obama learned from the sixties.  All Clinton learned was racism from Barry Goldwater so the two of them couldn't be less engaged if they were designed for it.

America has about two hundred B61 nukes deployed throughout NATO countries and this is one of the most cowardly exercises in which America has engaged because it makes Europe most likely to get hit first by Russia.  Overall, America has about two thousand of these nukes and the beauty part is START II has almost nothing to do with them.  Recently Obama spoke about restarting START II but what's the point when he undermines it at the same time.  As I said, he's an Absolute Plague to Humanity.

Better yet, the B61 nuke isn't even the biggest one and the B83 gets that prize.  (WIKI:  B83 nuclear bomb)

The B83 is four times more powerful than the B61 and about six hundred and fifty of them are in-service today.  There are fifteen hundred nukes authorized by START II for ICBMs but that has no bearing on non-verifiable weapons and America, particularly Obama, has exploited that no end.

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