Monday, August 29, 2016

Some Funnies from Pink on a Roll

Maybe Clinton supporters swear less ... but that only means they have never driven a fucking car.

That evidence kinda speaks for itself, don't it, Bubba.

Even better, they tell you this one is different from that one.  People develop 'brand loyalties' and maybe like the makers on Facebook because, gee, you know this one is better than that one.  Whew.

That I am not a Clinton supporter (i.e. I'm not a Republican) should clue you to this matter.

Tip:  don't put anyone on a speaker phone.  It's bloody vile (larfs).

You are duly warned, Dennis the Menace.

Thought Ithaka would try a bit of entertainment because a pendulum swings like a pendulum do ... and I hate that fucking song.  Why is it in my head from a million years ago.  Aaarrrrggghhhh

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