Thursday, August 4, 2016

Jockey Shorts Cause America's Problem with Fertility

Something the good people at BVD don't tell you when they want to sell you Jockey shorts is the stones are outside the body because they don't tolerate heat.  It causes problems for the sperm and all those li'l wrigglers lose the vision of Jesus so (sob) they just give up.

In case you doubt the premise of the article, consider the fertility of American white people and few of them have more than one or two kids.  Conclusion:  white people wear Jockey shorts.

This article is actually for the Mystery Lady because they will have me back to the hospital in a week or so and that's a full-body evaluation for more cancer.  I thought to myself, hmm, showing up for this without skivvies is probably not cool even at the VA where everyone there has already seen everything you could possibly see.  Much of it they never wanted to see.

Therefore, the answer was a pair of briefs and these beauties are, I guess, gingham with a cross-hatch of blue.  wtf, they came from Walmart and they were only three bucks.  After all, fashion is my life.

Yes, I know the garment was made by slave labor in some other country but, prithee tell me, what's my alternative.  I can't even remember the last time I bought a piece of apparel from Walmart and Yevette would eat worms first.

Note:  this appt can't be used for chest problems because they're dermo specialist doctors and it's not what they do.

So I can cheerfully report my fertility has not been reduced by Jockey shorts since I stopped wearing underwear years ago.  Therefore, I could impregnate the Mormon Tabernacle Choir if I felt like it.

(Ed:  think again.  They're Mormons and they only mate with rabbits or children.  It's what happens when they can't afford European models.)

Good point.

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