Thursday, August 4, 2016

Twitticisms 8/4 - 1

08-04-2016 04:40:01 - RT @TheLordHasSpoke: #WeedsIllegalBut it's only illegal if you get caught with it.
08-04-2016 04:38:23 - RT @TheLordHasSpoke: Have you ever seen Basic Instinct? I do that. #ThingsToDoInAWaitingRoom 
08-04-2016 04:37:57 - RT @HeisenbergLab: Half finish all the magazine crosswords with the wrong answer & give up #ThingsToDoInAWaitingRoom
08-04-2016 04:36:52 - RT @james_clarke85: Give people a standing ovation as they come out. #ThingsToDoInAWaitingRoom
08-04-2016 04:36:02 - RT @DALLASNITES: Ask people if they want to swap meds #ThingsToDoInAWaitingRoom
08-04-2016 04:35:45 - List off all your painful symptoms for #ThingsToDoInAWaitingRoom
08-04-2016 04:33:51 - Fox says people trust Clinton on nukes and the depravity of that delusion ignores everything about the things Obama has done. Clever.
08-04-2016 04:28:59 - Cat, this is the start of the latest bounce and there's illness so there's no chance I will go anywhere near Facebook
08-04-2016 04:27:16 - Barack Obama is reclassified from Bad President to Absolute Plague Against Humanity for escalating ISIS and also restarting the Cold War.
08-04-2016 04:24:33 - State Dept. dodges RT questions about US-backed ‘moderates’ implicated in Syria chemical attack | Fuck you, Obama
08-04-2016 04:23:13 - SWAT team destroys man’s home, offers no compensation or apology | America has become Soviet Russia
08-04-2016 04:20:54 - Trump calls Hillary Clinton 'founder of ISIS,’ crowd cheers ‘lock her up’ | Bush and Cheney did it, smart guy
08-04-2016 04:18:49 - Growing up on an Amish farm protects children against asthma by reprogramming immune cells
08-04-2016 01:57:45 - Ithaka Blog: Jockey Shorts Cause America's Problem with Fertility: Something the good people at BVD don't tel...
08-04-2016 01:33:34 - Eating potato chips is more of my favorite #ThingsToDoInAWaitingRoom
08-04-2016 01:22:04 - Ithaka Blog: Things Improve Marginally: America didn't improve at all but the health situation is at least se...
08-04-2016 00:42:39 - Charles Keating went on to rape and devastate savings institutions in Reagan Era and well ahead of the banker shit buckets who copy him.
08-04-2016 00:41:19 - Larry Flynt absolutely front page humiliated Charles Keating for calling his work obscenity. Hang that narrow-minded bitch out to dry.
08-04-2016 00:38:12 - Ohio was the last state dumb ass enough to hassle Larry Flynt. Yokel Mormons in Utah try it now but they should know he kicked Ohio's ass.
08-04-2016 00:34:31 - Actually, it would be cool if Clinton stole Sanders' money as then we could put her in jail tomorrow rather than waiting

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