Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Twitticisms 6/8 - 1

06-08-2016 06:28:11 - Pentagon defends use of Russian rocket engines as national security | May be a prize winner for Pentagon doublespeak
06-08-2016 06:26:25 - MC-21: Russian high-tech plane rolls out to challenge Airbus 320 | Russia delivers on grandiose product videos
06-08-2016 06:20:32 - Monkey causes nationwide blackout in Kenya | Same thing happened in California last night via @nypost
06-08-2016 06:19:05 - 70 years on, Bikini Atoll too radioactive for life | Inconvenient fact of Pentagon morality | via @HuffPostGreen
06-08-2016 05:12:25 - Ithaka Blog: The Problem with the Democrat Party is Unchanged: No Backbone: It didn't even take hours before...
06-08-2016 04:41:57 - Bernie Sanders pledges to stay in race | Excellent | Will stay right with him and hope for a miracle @CNNPolitics
06-08-2016 00:39:54 - Ithaka Blog: No Conciliatory Message for Hillary Clinton - Silas Scarborough (video): Straight-up with no eff...
06-07-2016 23:13:57 - Ithaka Blog: Election 2016 is Over for Any Progress Toward an Ethical America: With Donald Trump and Hillary ...
06-07-2016 23:11:35 - Hillary Clilnton did NOT make history tonight since Jill Stein has been the presumptive nominee of the Green Party for months.
06-07-2016 22:49:29 - Corrupt candidates are the presumptive nominees for both parties so there is no longer any reason to participate in the election.
06-07-2016 19:27:35 - Missouri officer sentenced to 4 years for tasing teen into coma | Tantamount to murder
06-07-2016 19:24:19 - How honeybees do without males | Long-term asexual reproduction
06-07-2016 18:18:48 - Federal Funding Drives U.S. Innovation | But much less with such deplorable funding in the times since Reagan
06-07-2016 18:14:54 - Ithaka Blog: The Messenger: Joan of Arc w/Milla Jovovich: The movie is sumptuous and passionate featuring mu...
06-07-2016 14:45:58 - Frosted Dunes on Mars
06-07-2016 14:44:39 - UK pushes for UN arms embargo on Libya… after years of pouring in weapons | Such stunning hypocrisy
06-07-2016 14:37:29 - Majority of mentally ill who commit suicide with gun bought it legally – Results stilted for purpose | Bad science
06-07-2016 14:30:51 - Ithaka Blog: Trust a Good Man to Find the Best People - Words from Bernie Sanders: No candidate for president...
06-07-2016 10:30:55 - Obesity increases in U.S women, study finds | Due to hopeless jobs in a society with no real goals @CNN
06-07-2016 10:28:11 - Looking to California to lead America in showing it's worthy of respect by rejecting Clinton cartel's corruption. #Bernie2016 #FeelTheBern

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